St Brandon Blog: 8-18 Oct 2018
St. Brandons Blog 8-18 Oct 2018
Despite having some rough weather around and losing a day to very high winds which are unseasonal for this time of year, the guests still had some great sessions targeting the atoll’s large and numerous Bonefish. All our guests all managed to land good numbers in shallow water, the average size for the week a very credible 6lbs. Some notable catches for the week included Allen’s 7,5lb Bone as well as Ray and Kirk’s Personal Best Bones of 8lb each.
High numbers of Indo Pacific Permit continued to be seen on a daily basis, all of our guests enjoying plenty of opportunities during their week. Permit being permit are however never easy to convince and despite many rejections and near misses, two fish did make it to the net before the week came to a close, both fish were landed by Steve, his first a solid 10lb fish that crushed the fly while feeding over some and his second a gorgeous 14lb fish that was spotted tailing over small patches of turtle grass on a large white sand flat. Congratulations Steve!
The various trevally species were out in force during the week and the guests all got to enjoy many shots at these powerful fish. On top of a few Goldens landed during the week there were some larger fish brought to hand. Included was Kirk’s very first Bluefin Trevally. The fish measured in at 69cm and took many yards of backing before finally surrendering. Good numbers of shots at the atoll’s very large GTs continued to present themselves and for the first time this season we were fortunate to land one. It was a beautiful 101cm fish which came to hand after Allen’s very first cast of the last day hit the mark. After a quick fight and a rapid fire photo session the fish was released and an Allen could finally give his arms a rest. What a fish! St Brandon GT’s can be tricky beasts and to have your first GT come in at over a meter is something Allen will surely remember for years to come.
All in all another great week out on the atoll with a group of new friends, all of whom we would like to thank for making the effort to join us.
Until next week
The St Brandon Guide Team