Providence Blog: 9 – 16 April 2024

The 6th week of the Providence fly fishing season for the beginning of 2024 saw us welcome a mixed group of 9 guests. 3 of the group from last week stayed on for their second back-to-back week of fishing, how lucky they were to have another 6 days of fishing this beautiful and outlandish fishery! 

The first day of the week saw us experience a mild breeze from the southeast and high-altitude cloud which made for tricky visibility on the flats. On the fishing front, we still had several opportunities with some of them turning into catches. Tim got things underway early on and managed to get 2 GTs to hand on his first day, well done Timo! Andy also managed to open and eventually close the GT catch report with a single fish caught during the incoming tide. The boat team of Carlos & Patricio were very interested in the atoll’s Bumphead Parrotfish and they made the most of their opportunities each bringing 1 to hand. Great Job gents! Bryan, managed to sneak alongside a large school of these strange green creatures and after a couple of good presentations he felt tension through the line and set the hook. Chaos ensued and he was tight to a massive Bumpie, after a long battle he eventually landed his prized fish. That concludes the first days catch report. 

The second day saw a marked improvement on the GT front with loads of fish encountered in varied scenarios. Edgard managed to live his fly fishing dream, which was to catch a Giant Trevally in shallow water on the fly. While walking along an extensive turtle grass finger flat he was treated to several opportunities. Eventually, one of the bow wakes accepted the challenge and jumped on his fly. A moment we’re sure he’ll remember for the rest of his life. Well done, Edgard! Then, as if things couldn’t get any better, Dennis, on his first Indian Ocean fly fishing experience, managed to hook an absolute monster of a GT. The fish took loads of backing and eventually got wrapped around a large coral head and got stuck. Miraculously, his guide managed to unstitch the fish and eventually bring it to hand. Dennis’s fish pulled the measuring tape all the way to 109cm! His first ever GT and a moment of magic from Providence! Tim also got into the big fish action when hook and landed a beaut 106cm GT.  Well done. Paul enjoyed some action too, hooking a monster but unfortunately losing it to a coral head, he later landed 2 GTs. Carlos, landed another Bumpie and Brian landed a particularly large Bluefin Trevally that measured 78cm. 

Day 3 saw us treated us to perfect weather with a slight breeze from the southeast and bright blue skies. The fishing was good and our guests bumped into fish throughout the day and tide cycle. Patricio landed his second Bumphead Parrotfish for the trip, and later followed that up with a lively GT. The boat team of Andy, Paul, and Brian enjoyed good action on the trevally front with Paul getting 2 to hand while Andy managed to coax a single GT to his longing hands. Tim, while waiting patiently on a large coral head, had a GT swim within a foot of his knees. A quick cast past and over the fish resulted in a spectacular take. He eventually landed the fish, well done, Tim! To round off the fishing report for the day was Dennis’s lonesome GT landed late in the day. 

The 4th day treated us to more great weather, with perfect sunshine a little wind to speak of. It turned out to be a particularly special day for Kevin who not only managed to land his first ever Bumphead Parrotfish but also, a massive Giant Trevally of 116cm! Both special and well-deserved catches, well done, Kevin! Scott found some action on the tailing species front yet again and chipped in with beautiful Yellow Margin Triggerfish. Meanwhile elsewhere on the atoll Paul, Andy, and Brian got stuck in the GTs when they encountered fish tailing on stingrays which delivered fantastic flats fishing action for the trio. Their catch returns were 1, 2, & 2 respectively. 1 of Brian’s fish was a brutish 96 cm, broad and heavy GT which made for wonderful images of the moment.

Day 5 and yet more blue skies but with a little more wind than the previous 2 days. Dennis finally managed to convince a Triggerfish to accept his fly, landing his first Yellow Margin which made him very happy. Brian and Andy enjoyed more action on the Giant Trevally front landing 3 and 1 GTs respectively while Tim had his way with the atoll’s Bonefish, bringing 4 to hand as well as a single GT. Patricio managed taste sweet success when he went tight on his first ever meter GT which was powerful fish of 104cm. His boat partner, who had been quietly going about his business did one better by landing a monster of 112cm! A special catch, Carlos, great job! 

The 6th and last day of the fishing week had us all go the extra mile for our guests. Despite the effort we unfortunately didn’t get the returns were hoping for on the flats. Scott, however, managed to land his first GT of his trip which was a massive achievement! Great work, Scott! Kevin, Carlos, and Paul each landing a single GT to tidy up the catch report for the 6th week of our season. 

We really enjoyed our time on the flats with our guests. It was special to share first-time catches with many of those who joined us this week. To the old and the new friends, we hope to see you all back with us on Providence in the near future. As for the weeks catch tally, it was as follows: 

  • GTs – 33 (5 over the meter mark, biggest 116cm)
  • Bonefish – 4
  • Bumphead Parrotfish – 7 
  • Triggerfish – 2
  • Total tally of Grouper & Snapper – 116 


Till next week folks, 

The FlyCastaway Guide Team


Providence Blog: 2 – 9 April 2024

Welcome to the 5th week of the Providence blog. This week we welcomed a mixed group of anglers from the United States and South Africa, most of whom, regulars to the Providence fly fishing experience. 

The first day of the fishing week was warm with little wind. Due to the tiny tidal range and calm conditions, we experienced warm water throughout the atoll. Despite the tricky conditions we still managed to get a few good catches to hand. Rick, 1 of our few newcomers managed to open his GT account early in the day when he intercepted a GT that was following a shark. Peter W struck gold when a large school of tailing GTs crossed his path, a quick cast into the shoal resulted in a beautiful 96cm GT landed. He later added to his tally with a smaller fish that he convinced to jump on a crab fly on his 9wt. On the tailing species front, Kevin and Carlos each managed to get colourful Triggerfish to hand while Taylor managed to pick up a Bonefish late in the day to close of the catch tally. 

The second day was bright and with a slight breeze from the southeast. The day started particularly well for Taylor who managed to land her first ever GT early on when she spotted 2 fish cruising along the edge of a large sand flat. She later added to her tally in a similar fashion while her brother, Colby, wasn’t going to be outdone and landed his first and later another. Well done guys! Nico add his name to the score board with a powerful GT while Peter found himself in the action yet again, landing an energetic GT. It was however Kevin W’s Day, when he spotted 3 large fishing swimming along a turtle grass finger. His fly went down and 3 strips later he found himself attached to an turbocharged GT that pulled loads of backing off the reel. After some fancy boat work by his guide his fish was eventually landed. A trophy of 118cm! Awesome job, Kev! Jeremy, Carlos, and Scott chipped in on the tailing fish front with each of the landing large Yellow Margin Triggerfish. 

The third day was warm, and so was a lot of the water in the atoll. Nico found himself in the action on the GT front again, he landed a fin perfect fish off a stingray. Father and son duo, Peter & Kev got it done, 3 and 2 GTs landed respectively while Colby closed off the GT tally with a single decent GT. Kevin landed yet another Triggerfish while Taylor found a Bonefish, which is miraculous considering the conditions. Great job, Taylor!

The fourth day saw a sudden change in the swell around the atoll with large waves breaking onto the outer banks of Providence. The highlight of the day was the exceptional fishing our group experienced for Group and Snapper with loads of large fish brought to hand. Noteworthy catches were Carlos’s 108cm and Kevin’s 95cm Napoleon Wrasse caught within minutes of each other. GTs were part of the returns too, with Carlos and Jeremy both landing GTs amongst the Group and Snapper chaos! Colby landed the only other GT for the day. 

The fifth day saw a slight change


 in weather conditions with rolling squalls and patchy light. Rick found himself in the right place, at the right time when he stumbled upon some 20 GTs on 3 large stingrays. After a couple of near misses, he eventually got 1 to stick, a proud moment, well done Rick. Carlos managed to complete a flats slam with a GT, Triggerfish, and Bumphead Parrotfish, congrats and well-deserved Carlos. Jeremy  however had bigger fish to fry, literary, and landed a bus 116cm GT, way to go Jeremy! Nico chipped in with a GT that was found while it patrolled the edge of the beach and Gerhard managed to get 1 to hand too, encountered while holding in the current near a small depression. 

The last day of the week saw us experience a mix of bright sunshine, cloud, and wind with flat calm moments thrown into the mix too – very strange for us on the weather front at the moment. Craig left it late, but got it done nonetheless early on the morning of the 6th day when he found a GT tailing on a stingray in very shallow water. His fly went down and the magic moment happened, he was connected to his first GT. A few nervy moments later his prize was in his hands, well done Craig. He later added another that encountered when a school of GTs arrived during lunch. 2 in 1 day, great work Craig! Jeremy also enjoyed good fishing landing 3 himself, the biggest 81cm. Carlos, Kevin, Peter, and Nico each landed a single GT to add to the tally. Colby landed a colour Triggerfish to put a full stop on the tailing fish species catch report for the week. Kev, left his best for last, while waiting in large surf a large GT happened to swim right at him. He made a fantastic cast and hooked yet another giant. This time, there was no boat to help him with the fight of the fish and he had to make due with a little luck and good gear… Both happened to be on his side this time. His fish, a beautiful 126cm GT was the perfect way to end a enjoyable weeks fishing! Great job, boys!

That brings us to the end of yet another week of fly fishing the pristine flats of Providence Atoll. This week was 1 of laughter, smiles, adventure, ups and downs. We thoroughly enjoyed it and hope to see all of those who joined us again in the near future!

Our catch tally for the 5th week of the season was as follows: 

  • GTs – 39 (3 of 100cm & biggest 126cm)
  • Bumphead Parrotfish – 2
  • Triggerfish – 8
  • Bonefish – 3
  • Napoleon Wrasse – 11 (108cm)

Till next week, 

The FlyCastaway Team


Providence Blog: 19 – 26 March 2024

Perfect sunshine, soaring temperatures, and 100% humidity welcomed our third group of fishermen to Providence Atoll. Our 12 new guests, all from the United States, hosted by The Fly Shop out of Redding, California were newcomers to the Prov experience and over the moon to finally find themselves on her shores.  

The first day of the fishing week was 1 of education. A new marine environment, with new species resulted in us having to spend a few hours couching and tweaking technique before we could get into the action proper. Pat managed to get his first Yellow Margin Triggerfish while Bob, convinced not 1 but 2 Yellow Margin Triggers to his fly as well as a feisty GT. What a way to start, Bob, well done! Evert, meanwhile, got stuck into the Bonefish landing his biggest ever of 9 lbs. and a little while later, he added a colourful Yellow Margin Triggerfish. Dick closed off the catch report with a single Bone. 

Day 2 saw a delayed start due to a powerful squall with heavy wind and rain. The second the squall passed us we headed to the flats and enjoyed decent weather for the remainder of the day.  The GTs made a good show of themselves with Mike G, Mike, Pat, Evert, Dick, and Bruce all tasting success on this front. Dave managed to land the only Bonefish for the day. 

The third day brought with it tricky conditions in the way of dark cloud and little wind. The diminished visibility on the flats really made the fishing tough and only a single GT was caught for the day. Evert, the man of the moment caught a brute 93cm fish that was spotted sitting in ambush position in a small drainage channel. Evert made a great cast and before he could get through his first strip the GT rushed forward and engulfed his fly. Following an epic battle and with a bit of luck going his way, the fish was eventually landed! Great job, Evert! 

Day 4 had us endure strong winds out of the southeast. Despite the challenging casting conditions, we still managed to convert several GTs for the day. Matt found himself in the right place, at the right time, and managed to land 2 GTs himself, while Mark pinned 2 hungry GTs from as many stingrays… His fish were found tailing next to the rays which is always a very exciting spectacle for both angler and guide. Dave and Tom added to the tally with a GT each and finally was Bruce’s impressive 93 cm catch, caught while it patrolled along a white sand beach. The fish ate his fly just a few inches from the shore and was certainly a moment of magic that Bruce will remember for a long time to come. 

Day 5 was an absolute scorcher. No wind and incredible heat made fishing conditions difficult to say the least. Despite this we soldiered on and managed a handful of decent catches with both Bob and Mike managing to fool a GT each. Dennis added a splash of colour to the day’s catch report with the only Triggerfish brought to hand for the day. Though we experienced difficult fishing the seascapes we were treated too were exceptional… As has been said many times before, a day’s fishing sure does beat a day in the office! 

The 6th and last day of the fishing week had us extra motivated to turn things around on the fishing front. All 4 boats headed across the atoll to the eastern side with high hopes of opportunities for the iconic species we so dearly wanted to catch. Mother nature however, had something else in mind for us and delivered a massive weather system by midmorning with incredibly dark clouds, rolling squalls, and periods of almost no wind. This made for exceptionally tricky fishing conditions, and this showed in our catch report with just 2 GTs landed for the day… 1 going to Bruce while the other fell to Dick.

All in all, the third week our season proved to be exceptionally challenging on the fishing front. A mix of hot water and difficult weather conditions culminated to produce the perfect storm so to speak… Nevertheless, we still thoroughly enjoyed exploring our favourite Seychelles fishery with our new friends and hope that they get a better set of circumstances the next time they visit us out here. As for our catch tally, we landed the following fish for the week:

  • GTs – 19
  • Triggerfish – 5
  • Bonefish – 3
  • Total tally of Grouper, Snapper, and others: 181

Till next week, 

The FlyCastaway Guide Team 

Providence Blog: 5 – 12 Dec 2023

Before we knew it, the final week of the Providence October – December 2023 season was here.
Fate would have it that we welcomed back our friends from AOS, Alex and Stephan. They were hosting a full house of guests from Austria, Marco was staying on for another week and our friend from South Africa, Peter, joined the group. A few first-timers to the salt and some guests on their 10th trip to the Seychelles. We were set to finish the week and season strong.

On the first day, we had some patchy light and low winds. Manuel, Gernot, and Chris’s team got straight into the action when they came across a mob of nurse sharks with about 200 GTs with them. Chris and Manuel landed a few GTs immediately, but the day went to Gernot, who landed his first GT and 3 others, including a 112cm. Well done Gernot The husband and wife team of Klaus V and Christina teamed up with Peter. Peter got off the mark early with an excellent GT on a crab. They all landed 1 bonefish each, and Christina got a sizeable yellow margin trigger to hand. Klaus V also landed a nice-sized Napoleon. The new team of Freddy, Klaus and Lucas landed their first GTs for the trip. Alex, Stephan, and Marco also got into the gents and brought 6 to hand. Bring the first day to a close with 17 GTs landed and signs of good things to come.

Sadly, as we often experience on the atoll, the weather can change on a dime, and we woke on the second day to 360 degree glare and rain all day. The teams thus set out to find a few bonefish; Lukas and Klaus landed their first 2 bones each, whilst Freddy caught his first and five more for the day, plus  landed his first ever sailfish. Well done gents! Christina and Peter landed the only 2 GTs for the day.

We rose to beautiful weather on day three and set out to try to make up for the previous day’s bad light. Freddy, Klaus, and Lukas kept their momentum going with 1 each and 5 more bonefish. Peter, Christina, and their husband Klaus landed 8  bonefish—five for Peter, 2 for Klaus, and 1 for Christina. Alex, Stephan, and Marco found five lovely bones in the morning, and Stephan landed the first and only bumpy for the week. But the day’s fish went to Marco, who hooked and landed a GT measuring 114cm after a stressful fight involving some coral heads and a few swims. Well done, Marco!

On the 4th day, we had much of the same momentum. The teams kept the GT tally steadily ticking over with many more memorable catches. The trio of Alex, Stephan, and Marco landed 8 GTs, but the most memorable was 1 of Stephan’s fish that ate spectacularly after a long follow-in; the fish also measured 97cm—well done gents! Klaus, Freddy and Lukas also landed 5 GTs, 2 for Freddy and Klaus and one for Lukas, including a nice GT caught by Klaus V. This brought the day’s tally to 13 more GTs.

For the 5th and second to last day of the season, it looked like we would have excellent light and low winds. Peter got off the mark first with an absolute cracker of a fish, which after a short chase and another swim, the fish measuring 115cm was landed. His fishing partners Klaus V and Christina sadly ost a bumpy each shortly after. The other teams used the light well and caught many more GTs. Freddy, big Klaus and Lukas landed 7 GTs between them. The trio of Alex, Stephan and Marco matched this number. Emanuel, Chris and Gernot landed four more, whilst Chris ended the day off with a sailfish. Well done to everyone!

The season’s final day was here and thankfully the weather was going to play fair. We set off with blue skies and high hopes. Big Klaus landed his final GT for the trip which was spotted sitting in a white hole. Marco, Stephan, Klaus V and Peter also finished with a final GT each for their trip. Gernot and Manuel also landed a fish each, but it was Gernot who topped the teams with a second fish in the afternoon. Well done to all on a great week fo fishing and fun to close out our season!

This brings the week tally and the season to a close as follows:

  • GT – 63 (3 > 112cm)
  • Bonefish – 33
  • Bumphead Parrotfish – 1
  • Triggerfish – 1
  • Sailfish – 2
  • Napoleon – 2
  • Other – 112

Till next season,

The FlyCastaway Guide Team

Providence Blog: 5 – 14 March 2023

The opening week of our March – May 2023 fly fishing season saw us welcome a group of guests to our favorite fly fishing destination in Seychelles for the third consecutive year. Following a round of excited hello’s and a quick tender boat run from Providence Island to our trusty mothership, we set about readying our everyone’s gear for their customary extended 9-night/8-day trip with us.

Day 1 saw us treated to excellent weather with clear skies and a slight breeze originating from the west. Our group which consisted of eight anglers got stuck into the action immediately landing 23 GTs for the day. Scott opened his account in style landing an impressive 6 GTs while Charlie, a newcomer to the group brought his first-ever Seychelles GT and Milkfish to hand. Ivan followed suit by landing a powerful Milkfish and 5 GTs to close off a very productive day of fly fishing on Providence Atoll.

The pleasant weather continued during day 2 and provided our guests with the perfect conditions to tackle the larger GTs found throughout the atoll. Scott, who is no stranger to landing big fish on Providence managed to find himself in the right place at the right time bagging a monster 117cm GT. His fish was picked from a school that was following a large shark. Great job, Scott! The father and son team of Jeronimo and Camillo made hay while the sun shone and managed to land 3 GTs respectively. Kyle enjoyed a stellar day adding 6 GTs to the tally which clocked 23 by day end. Well done guys!

Day 3 and no change in the conditions, still perfect. Our group enjoyed excellent fishing with Juan landing 4 GTs himself while brother Jeronimo went on to land the first Triggerfish of the season and another 2 GTs. Scott continued to enjoy the action on the big fish front. This time he found himself attached to an immensely strong 113cm GT which had his reel working overtime before it was tamed. Kelly however landed the standout catch of the day when he hooked a massive 118cm GT that was found in a large lagoon. Our end-of-day tally saw us land another 23 GTs…incredible fishing!

The 4th day saw our team explore areas of the atoll known to deliver a variety of grouper, snapper, and wrasse species. The plan paid dividends with the standout catch of this session going to Jeronimo who managed to bag himself the iconic Napoleon Wrasse that measured over the 1-meter mark. Kyle maintained his streak of good fortune on the flats taming 5 GTs, however, the top rod for the day was Charlie who managed an impressive 7 GTs bringing the total count for the day to 18 GTs landed.

Day 5 and we were beginning to encounter more and more of the tailing fish species that frequent the atoll. Juan and Kelly enjoyed great fishing for both Bonefish and GTs landing 4 GTs and 6 Bonefish between them. One of Kelly’s bones measured 28,5 inches which put it in the region of 10lbs… Great catch Kelly! The GTs were still around in great numbers with a total of 18 landed for the day. The standout catches on this front went to Ivan and Charlie, a 107cm & 106cm fish respectively.

Day 6 saw a change in conditions with a strong draft and a bank of clouds hanging above the atoll. Despite the conditions, every flyfisherman in the group managed to land at least one GT. Kelly landed yet another 4 GTs, one of which stretched the tape to 115cm! Camillo, Kelly’s boat partner for the day also managed to land 3 GTs which brought the total of GTs for the day to 13.

Day 7 and the weather conditions were as they were the previous day. Despite the variable conditions, everyone in the group managed to land a GT with a total of 14 landed for the day. Charlie enjoyed the bulk of the action landing 5 GTs, one of which broke the meter mark measuring 103cm. It did not stop there for Charlie, while walking one of the lagoon edges, a very large blue shape emerged and tailed on a tapered turtle grass bank. It was quickly identified as a very large Napoleon Wrasse and after a couple of presentations, the wrasse charged the fly and engulfed it. Panic ensued as the fish sped off for his coral bommie home and after an intense tug of war Charlie managed to break the fish’s will to get to the coral and eventually landed. Great catch Charlie!

The weather finally broke for the final day of the trip and we were treated to clear skies and a light breeze prevailing from the southeast. It was decided that the family affair of Camillo, Juan, and Jeronimo would partner and fish together. They made the most of their day together with Juan landing a slam that included a Trigger, 3 GTs, and a 10lbs Bonefish. Jeronimo narrowly missed his slam landing a Milkfish and 2 GTs, 1 of which broke the 1-meter mark measuring 101cm. Camillo finally landed his Trigger bagging himself a beautiful Yellow Margin. Kyle came in hot again landing himself 4 GTs for the day. Charlie also kept up his good form saving the best for last managing 6 GTs for the day, two of which broke the 100cm mark measuring 109cm and 115cm.

This brings us to the end of an action-packed season opener on our favourite flats in Seychelles. Our catch tally for the week was:

  • 148 GTs (10 over 100cm)
  • 3 Milkfish
  • 3 Triggerfish
  • 10 Bonefish (2 over 10lbs)
  • 2 Napoleon wrasse (both over 100cm)

Till next week,
The FlyCastaway Guide Team

Providence Blog: 29 March-5 April 2022

The fourth week of the Providence March – April 2022 fly fishing season saw us welcome another mixed group of anglers from all over the world including South Africa, England, and the USA. The mix of personalities aboard the Maya’s Dugong made for a festive first evening as we chatted with eager anticipation about the exciting fishing we were all in for over the course of the 6 days to come…

The first fishing day delivered a total of 13 GTs with both John and Derrick landing their first ever GTs on the fly, well done gents! The atoll’s resident Milkfish population were encountered in good numbers in the late afternoon, providing Matt with the perfect opportunity to try his hand for these turbocharged speedsters of the deep blue. In just a few casts Matt found himself in the thick of the action when hooked up and eventually landed his first ever Milkfish! A great way to start the week, well done Matt!

The second day saw similar returns on the GT front with a total of 13 landed for the day. The standout catch, however, came after Watts saw the fabled sickled tail of a Permit working its way down a sandy beach. He then presented his fly ahead of his golden quarry and waited for the fish to get within a few inches of it before enticing the eat with a quick strip causing a reaction bite. After a short fight the fish came to hand and the first Indo Pacific Permit of the season was landed…. well done Watts, a truly special moment!

The third day brought with it an incredible day of GT fishing with a total of 20 fish landed, 5 of which breaking the fabled metre mark!!!! Matt enjoyed a cracker of a day and landed a fish of 104cm, followed by a beautiful 105cm giant. Gerhard also enjoyed a couple epic catches being a 101cm and amazing 112cm GT. The fishing gods however had something up their sleeve for him! While he waited patiently in a spot during the incoming tide he saw a large blue shape slide across a white hole in the turtle grass flat. After he presented his fly on the line of the fish, the fish charged, and Gerhard was connected to a fish of a lifetime. Following an intense fight through a coral garden he managed to land a truly special fish that pulled the measuring tape to a jaw dropping 130cm. To hook and land a fish of these proportions on foot is moment of flats fishing magic we are sure Gerhard will remember forever, well done G! Gerhard also managed to land the first Triggerfish for the week while Russ, Peter and Kevin enjoyed a great session fishing for Bonefish in the late afternoon.

The fourth day saw a total of 15 GTs landed. After seeing a massive nurse shark come into the surf zone, Peter worked hard to get into position and presented his fly in front of the school that were following the shark. As his fly hit the water the school raced towards his baitfish presentation and after a huge commotion of energic splashes he was tight with an incredibly powerful GT that measured an impressive 106cm, great job Peter! Matt enjoyed yet more GT success and landed another 2 GTs that broke that magical metre mark. The milkfish were present again and Gerhard, Matt, and Russ all enjoyed success while fishing for this exciting species, well done gents!

The fifth day produced more variety of catches on the flats with a total of 8 GTs landed. Gerhard managed to add to his Triggerfish tally while Matt continued his good form on the flats by landing the first Bumphead Parrotfish of the week, fantastic work Matt! Jari who had been eager to land a Milkfish on the fly finally managed to get it done early on the fifth morning… great job and well deserved Jari!

The sixth and final day saw a total of 12 GT landed. Jari managed to break the fabled metre mark and land a beautiful 103cm GT, well done Jari. The day however, belonged to Dale who after multiple trips to Providence lined up the perfect shot on a really big fish holding in the current. After presenting his fly he watched as the fish charged in and inhaled it. After a strong fight he landed the magnificent 126cm GT…. well done Dale, a fish of a lifetime. Gerhard managed to land another Triggerfish and today G’s Triggerfish success was shared by Russ who managed to land his first ever on the fly, well done Russ!

And so brings a close to the fourth week of the season. With perfect weather conditions and excellent comradery to match our group enjoyed a very special week exploring the azure waters of Providence.

Our catch tally for the week was as follows:

  • GTs – 81 (10 GTs over 100cm..2 over 120cm)
  • Triggerfish – 4
  • Milkfish – 8
  • Bumphead Parrotfish – 1
  • Bonefish – 7
  • Permit – 1
  • Total tally of other species caught – 358

Until next week,

The Providence Guide Team

Providence Blog: 22 – 29 March 2022

Welcome to the third week of the Providence March – April 2022 fly fishing season. This week saw us welcome a mixed group of anglers from the UK and the US. Some of the guys were regulars to the Providence experience while others first time visitors to the wonders of this unique Seychelles atoll. The previous 2 weeks of fishing action had our expectations set sky high, as we completed the final bits of preparation before the first day of week 3 on Prov’s exciting flats.

The first day dawned with a slight breeze and bluebird skies resulting in perfect sight fishing conditions. It turned out to be a day of firsts for our guests who got into swing of things from the moment their feet hit the flats, with Mark, Margaret, Vaughn, Duncan and Will all landing their first GTs on the fly. By the time all our tender boats had returned to the mothership on the first evening, we had amassed a total of 19 GTs for the day…a great start! 

The second day saw a total of 12 GTs landed, with a special mention for Will who experienced the thrill of shallow water GT fishing when he connected to a large fish that had been seen tailing on the edge of a lagoon. His beauty stretched the measuring tape to 100cm on the dot… well done Will! Gerry experienced something similar when he managed to entice a massive fish from a school to eat his fly, and following an intense battle the landed fish measured an impressive 109cm… well done Gerry! The tailing fish species were also encountered in good numbers resulting in Kris and Chris each landing their first Triggerfish on the fly. Well done gentlemen!

The third day delivered a truly diverse experience for our guests, with loads exciting opportunities in front of the different iconic flats species available on Providence. By day end our group had landed a total of 17 GTs, 5 Bonefish and a Triggerfish. The Triggerfish landed was a special one as it completed a flats slam of a GT, Bonefish, and Triggerfish for Alexander… excellent job Alexander!

The fourth day saw a total of 16 GTs and another 3 Triggerfish landed. The only Bonefish of the day was landed by Duncan, when he completed his first and the group’s second flats slam of the week… well done Duncan!

The fifth day produced more exciting variety on the flats and in the bluewater, with 7 GTs, 6 Triggerfish, and 3 Milkfish landed. The highlights of the day included Mark and Margaret’s first ever Triggerfish catches. A special mention goes out to Margaret who went on to complete her first flats slam consisting of a GT, Bonefish, and Triggerfish… fantastic Margaret! The conditions proved perfect for fishing for the atoll’s resident Milkfish population, which resulted in Will, Vaughn, and Chris all landing their first Milks on the fly, Great job guys! Chris’s Milkfish success late in the day completed yet another slam… superbly done Chris!

The sixth and final day of the fishing week saw our guests enjoy bluebird skies and very little wind. The conditions, perfect for sight fishing,  delivered a total of 19 GTs landed. Margaret enjoyed the standout catch with an incredibly powerful 103cm GT, picked from a school that was found staging up on the edge of the atoll, nicely done Margaret! The Bumphead Parrotfish were encountered in good numbers resulting in both Mark and Vaughn completing there first ever Bumphead catches… Well done gents! The Milkfish were again found feeding heavily on the outer rim of the atoll, Alex and Duncan going on to land one each… their first ever on the fly. Excellent job guys.

Another busy of week of fly fishing for the full assortment of species available at Providence Atoll has come to an end. As always, it was a pleasure to share the ultimate saltwater playground with our guests during week 3 of this season, and we look forward to what the next trip has in store for us.

Our catch tally for the week was:

  • GTs – 90 (3 over a 100cm and biggest 109cm)
  • Bumphead Parrotfish – 2
  • Triggerfish – 12
  • Milkfish – 5
  • Bonefish – 8
  • Napoleons Wrasse- 1
  • Total tally of other species landed – 483

Yours in fishing,

The Providence Guide Team

Providence Blog: 30 November – 7 December 2021

Welcome to the 8th and final week of the 2021 Providence Atoll fly fishing season. Following a quick yet thorough tackle setup, we steamed towards Providence with an excited expectation of what the atoll had in store for our group which was made up of new and familiar faces. 

The first morning dawned with clear skies and a stiff south-easterly wind. Water conditions were perfect for the atoll’s tailing fish species and our guests managed to convert several opportunities, with Sergey and Maxim landing a colourful Triggerfish each. Jeremy got stuck into the Bones landing 9 himself, one of which was an absolute monster of 10lbs. After seeing a forked tail break the surface on the edge of a turtle grass pancake, Jeremy presented his fly to the fish and after inducing the take, watched as his backing was stripped off his reel at lightning speed. After an intense fight he eventually managed to land a beautiful Bonefish and a genuine trophy…congrats Jeremy! A total of 2 GTs were landed for the day, with Claire and Michael sharing the spoils each landing their first Providence GTs on the fly. The day however belonged to Michael who after landing a Bonefish and a GT, managed to hook and land a large Bumphead Parrotfish to complete an Indian Ocean flats slam on his very first day fly fishing in saltwater! What a way to announce yourself to the Indian Ocean, well done Michael!

Day 2 dealt us challenging conditions which consisted of strong winds and overcast skies for most of the day. This made fly fishing opportunities for the faster moving targets a little trickier to convert, which resulted in just 2 GTs landed for the day. The tailing species, however, were out in full force and our guests managed to bring numerous special catches to hand. Most notable was a large lead fish Bumphead Parrotfish for Claire who expertly  presented her crab and set the hooks on. She kept her composure and after a long tug of war, she managed to land her first ever Bumpie on the fly. Great work Claire. The duo of Claire and Kevin then went to work on the atoll’s Bonefish population landing several fish each during an exciting skinny water walk and stalk fly fishing session. The high tide then allowed us to try our hand for the resident Sailfish population. Sergey took his chance, hooking and landing the first Sailfish of the week. 

Day 3 dawned with clearer skies and a moderate south-easterly wind. The good light and better conditions from a visibility perspective resulted in more convertible opportunities on GTs . A total of 7 were landed for the day. Steve and Jason managed to hook and land their first-ever GTs. Jason’s fish was an extra special one that was caught after he spotted a large stingray mud trail with several GTs feeding in it. Jason closed the distance between himself and the school and made his presentation only managing to get through a few strips before going tight and eventually landing a trophy of 104cm. A well-deserved catch, well done Jason! Jeremy also converted his chance when he saw a big fish bow waking between two deeper potholes on a large turtle grass flat. He made a long cast across the fish’s path and watched as it blasted towards and eventually inhaled his fly. An intense battle ensued with the fish giving several powerful runs before his beauty measuring 103cm was landed… nicely done, Jeremy! The big fish report continued with the fish of day going to Kevin, who after seeing a fish tailing along a mottled turtle grass edge, got into position and presented his fly with long fast strips. The fish covered the distance to the fly in a blink of an eye and engulfed it in the classic GT style. With the hook set the fish proceeded to strip backing with an aggressive first run and after a dogged back and forth he managed to get the fish to hand. The fish pulled the measuring tape to an impressive 116cm. A fish of a lifetime, well done Kevin!

Day 4 saw us enjoy clear skies and conditions favourable for productive Giant Trevally fly fishing. This resulted in a total of 10 brought to hand for the day. Maxim, who was on his first-ever saltwater fly fishing trip, managed to hook and land his first GT on the fly when he encountered a fish following a stingray during the incoming tide. The fish wasted little time charging down his fly in exceptionally shallow water, throwing water 4ft into the air when it turned following the hookset. An exciting moment and wonderful spectacle, congrats Maxim! 

Day 5 and more of the same from a visibility perspective. The great visuals on the flats assisted our group in converting their opportunities, with us landing a total of 15 GTs for the day. The highlight of the day’s exploits went to Claire after she spotted a massive blue shape creeping its way up the edge of a coral pancake flat. Waiting patiently, she delivered an accurate presentation as the fish came into range. The moment the fish spotted her fly, it accelerated forward smashing her baitfish imitation. After the hookset, the game was on to wrestle the fish out of the coral gardens and after successfully doing this her trophy was brought to hand. A new personal best of 113cm!!! Well done on completing a magnificent catch, Claire!

The final day of the fishing week saw us experience severe weather conditions, with strong gusts of wind and heavy rain for most of the day. Despite the challenging conditions our group managed to land a total of 9 GTs, the standout catch going to Michael who had been on a mission to land a trophy GT on the fly. His efforts paid off when a shoal of 5 fish was spotted swimming along the edge of a large turtle grass flat. He made a great presentation several yards ahead of the fish, waited for them to swim closer, and then began his retrieve going tight shortly thereafter. He later brought in a powerful 98cm GT,  which was a great catch considering the trying conditions experienced at the time. Well done Michael. 

With the wind at our back, we bring the first half of the Providence 2021 season to a close. Our catch tally for the week was: 

  • GTs – 46 (5 over a meter)
  • Bumphead Parrotfish – 3 
  • Triggerfish – 2
  • Sailfish – 2
  • Bonefish – 25 (1 of 10lbs.)
  • Total tally of other species caught – 375

We enjoyed so many special moments on the flats this season! Shared smiles, laughs, and the odd moment of heartbreak together. A big thank you from us to the larger FlyCastaway family, we look forward to welcoming you all back in the near future.

Unit next season,

The Providence Guide Team

Providence Blog: 16 – 23 November 2021

In what felt like a blink of an eye, we had already reached the start of the 6th week of the season. This week we welcomed a group mostly comprising of Providence regulars onboard our trusty mothership. The routine of tackle setup and safety orientation was at this point running like a well-oiled machine and we made quick work of both before we set sail towards the exciting saltwater wilderness of Providence Atoll. 

Day 1 began with clear skies and a light south-easterly breeze. The conditions allowed our guests to enjoy the full range of diversity available on the atoll landing a total of 3 GTs, 3 Triggerfish, 5 Bones, and 2 Bumphead Parrotfish for the day. A special mention for Guetye who enjoyed a great day that began with a GT, his first Triggerfish, and eventually a large Bonefish that he managed to entice with a shrimp fly imitation which secured his first-ever Indian Ocean flats slam. What a way to get the fishing week started! Great job Guetye.

Weather conditions on day 2 were good, although somewhat windy with a stiff south-easterly blowing. Fly fishing for the Giant Trevally proved to be difficult on this day with a single fish coming to hand. Other catches of note included Guetye’s first-ever Bumphead Parrotfish caught on the fly as well as an absolute monster of Bonefish landed by Miachel. Miachel’s dream catch was encountered while he was wading the interior of a white sand flat when he saw a tailing Bonefish and after perfectly presenting his fly to the fish, he came tight. After surviving several runs into the backing he managed to land his biggest ever Bonefish which measured a staggering 31 inches. Great Job Miachel! 

Day 3 dawned with clear skies and a continuation of the strong easterly wind. A total of 4 GTs, 1 Triggerfish, and several Bonefish were landed for the day. Stephane enjoyed some cracking moments of fly fishing hooking and landing a colourful Triggerfish and later landing a monster Bonefish that pulled the measuring tape all the way to 29 inches. Awesome fishing, well done Stephane.

Day 4 saw a marked improvement in the GT fishing, with a total of 11 landed for the day. Miachel had a great day managing to land a couple of Bonefish in the skinny water surrounding one of the larger white-sand islands of the atoll. Fly fishing for the different Groupers and Snappers available on Providence also turned up a couple of gears and some truly entertaining fishing was had by our guests while drifting over the various carol gardens scattered throughout the atoll. 

Day 5 and we welcomed a break in the strong south-easterly wind that had been blowing for most of the week thus far. Enjoying the somewhat improved conditions our guests went on to capitalize on their opportunities and landed a total of 7 GTs and 1 Bumpie for the day. John landed 2 energetic GTs and Guetye continued his good form with Bumpies landing yet another one for the week. A special mention for Igor who encountered one of his bucket list catches after wading through some deep water and onto a shallow coral head exposed by the spring low tide. Once perched on top of the coral head he saw a magical blue shape appear on the edge of another large coral head just inside casting range. Following the presentation of his brush fly and an energetic retrieve, he came tight to the almost mythical Napoleon Wrasse. After an intense fight trying to keep the fish away from the numerous coral snags in the area, he managed to land his dream saltwater fish. A well-deserved catch, well done Igor!

The last day of the fishing week dawned with gloomy skies and heavy rain. Fortunately, these conditions were short-lived and we enjoyed clear skies by midmorning. A great day was had by our guests with 11 GTs brought to hand! A special mention goes out to Hugo who managed to land and tame 3 of 11 himself. After landing a beautiful Bumpie, Rodolphe then went on to hook and land his first ever GT on the fly, a great achievement, well done Rodolphe! 

That brings us to the end of a fairly challenging but enjoyable week of fishing on Providence Atoll. The diversity of fly fishing scenarios available to our guests was on full display this week and we made the most of the opportunities presented to us with several epic catches coming to hand.

Our catch tally for the week was: 

  • GTs – 37
  • Bumphead Parrotfish – 5
  • Triggerfish – 4
  • Bonefish – 9 (2 over 10lbs.)
  • Napoleon Wrasse – 2
  • Total tally of other species landed – 486  

Until next week,

The Providence Guide Team

Providence Blog: 9 – 16 November 2021

Welcome to the fifth week of the Providence 2021/2022 season. This week we welcomed a group of familiar faces aboard the M.V Maya’s Dugong for the first time since the beginning of the CV-19 pandemic. Following a quick orientation of the mothership, we set to work readying our guest’s gear for all the exciting fly fishing scenarios likely to be encountered out on Providence.

Our guests this week were mostly interested in the tailing species that call Providence home, specifically the Bumphead Parrotfish and Triggerfish. Conditions were favorable for this and several opportunities were enjoyed during the first day of fishing delivering a total of 3 successful Bumphead Parrotfish catches. Grigory caught the standout catch for the day, landing an incredibly powerful 109cm Bumpie. Well done Grigory! Oleksandra experienced the thrill of walk and stalk fly fishing and managed to land her first ever Yellowmargin Triggerfish on the fly while exploring a lagoon edge. The GTs however proved difficult to come by on day 1 of the week with a total of 2 landed for the day, one of which was a trophy caught under unique circumstances. While fishing to a school of Bumphead Parrotfish Vadim presented a cast with his crab fly towards the school, going tight, shortly followed by the traditionally long first run into the backing. After a long battle, the fish was eventually landed and to his surprise, he had hooked and landed a 100cm Giant Trevally on his 9wt. Well done on this special catch Vadim! 

Day 2 dawned with clear skies and a slight south easterly breeze. The tailing species were again on the menu. Grigory managed to land his first Triggerfish of the trip, while Andrei and Gennadiy enjoyed a productive Bonefishing session. A total of 6 Bumphead Parrotfish were landed for the day with John enjoying a truly memorable day on the flats landing 4 Bumpies, one of which a monster measuring a whopping 115cm. Well done John! Justin, an experienced visitor of the outer islands of Seychelles also got into the action and managed to hook and land his first Bumpie, and then followed that with another fish. 

Day 3 dawned with clear skies on the horizon. A total of 2 bumpies were landed for the day with Vadim and Grigory enjoying the spoils by landing one each. The GTs finally began to make a reappearance on the atoll providing several opportunities on the flats for our guests. Gennadiy made the most of his chances after encountering a school of GTs tailing near 3 Nurse sharks. He presented his fly into the school and following just a few strips his fly was engulfed, shortly followed by yards and yards of backing as the fish steamed off. After an intense tussle, the fish was eventually landed pulling the measuring tape to 113cm. A fish of a lifetime… well done Gennadiy! Andrei also managed to land his first GT for the trip along with Vladimir also landing his first GT for the trip after spotting it pushing a bow wave in very shallow water. Vadim had another great day landing 2 Triggerfish.

Day 4 dawned with clear skies and a stiffer south easterly breeze. A great day was had on the tailing species, with no less than 8 triggerfish landed. A special mention goes out to Vladimir who managed to land 3 for the day….well done Vladimir. Vadim managed to land a GT early on in the morning and then followed that up with 2 Triggerfish and then a Bonefish to complete an Indian Ocean grand slam. Great job Vadim! Gennadiy had a great day too, landing both a Bumpie and a GT before the day came to an end.

Day 5 dawned with clear skies and a stiff south easterly breeze. Another great day was had while fishing for the tailing species, with John managing to open his Triggerfish account, following it up with another in quick succession. Justin also enjoyed a great day landing 2 Bumpies, while Vladimir again managed to land himself 3 Triggerfish. He followed that up with his first Bumpie of the trip… well done Vladimir.

Day 6 dawned with a change in weather, the eastern horizon littered with dark storm clouds and rolling banks of rain. A total of 2 GTs were landed for the day with a matching number of Bumpies being landed. John managed to better his first massive Bumpie. After landing his crab in a school of tailing fish, he hooked and tussled with a monster that measured 116cm…awesome fish well John! And finally, late on the final day with the sun nearing the horizon, Nikolai managed to hook and land the first and only sailfish of the week….well done Nikolai.

That brings us to the end of a very enjoyable week of fly fishing for Providence’s full assortment of tailing species. Our catch tally for the week was as follows: 

  • GTs – 9 (2 over a meter)
  • Bumphead Parrotfish – 17 (Biggest 116cm)
  • Triggerfish – 19
  • Bonefish – 12
  • Sailfish – 1
  • Total tally of other species landed – 387

Until next week,

The Providence Guide Team