Providence Blog: 2 – 9 April 2024

Welcome to the 5th week of the Providence blog. This week we welcomed a mixed group of anglers from the United States and South Africa, most of whom, regulars to the Providence fly fishing experience. 

The first day of the fishing week was warm with little wind. Due to the tiny tidal range and calm conditions, we experienced warm water throughout the atoll. Despite the tricky conditions we still managed to get a few good catches to hand. Rick, 1 of our few newcomers managed to open his GT account early in the day when he intercepted a GT that was following a shark. Peter W struck gold when a large school of tailing GTs crossed his path, a quick cast into the shoal resulted in a beautiful 96cm GT landed. He later added to his tally with a smaller fish that he convinced to jump on a crab fly on his 9wt. On the tailing species front, Kevin and Carlos each managed to get colourful Triggerfish to hand while Taylor managed to pick up a Bonefish late in the day to close of the catch tally. 

The second day was bright and with a slight breeze from the southeast. The day started particularly well for Taylor who managed to land her first ever GT early on when she spotted 2 fish cruising along the edge of a large sand flat. She later added to her tally in a similar fashion while her brother, Colby, wasn’t going to be outdone and landed his first and later another. Well done guys! Nico add his name to the score board with a powerful GT while Peter found himself in the action yet again, landing an energetic GT. It was however Kevin W’s Day, when he spotted 3 large fishing swimming along a turtle grass finger. His fly went down and 3 strips later he found himself attached to an turbocharged GT that pulled loads of backing off the reel. After some fancy boat work by his guide his fish was eventually landed. A trophy of 118cm! Awesome job, Kev! Jeremy, Carlos, and Scott chipped in on the tailing fish front with each of the landing large Yellow Margin Triggerfish. 

The third day was warm, and so was a lot of the water in the atoll. Nico found himself in the action on the GT front again, he landed a fin perfect fish off a stingray. Father and son duo, Peter & Kev got it done, 3 and 2 GTs landed respectively while Colby closed off the GT tally with a single decent GT. Kevin landed yet another Triggerfish while Taylor found a Bonefish, which is miraculous considering the conditions. Great job, Taylor!

The fourth day saw a sudden change in the swell around the atoll with large waves breaking onto the outer banks of Providence. The highlight of the day was the exceptional fishing our group experienced for Group and Snapper with loads of large fish brought to hand. Noteworthy catches were Carlos’s 108cm and Kevin’s 95cm Napoleon Wrasse caught within minutes of each other. GTs were part of the returns too, with Carlos and Jeremy both landing GTs amongst the Group and Snapper chaos! Colby landed the only other GT for the day. 

The fifth day saw a slight change


 in weather conditions with rolling squalls and patchy light. Rick found himself in the right place, at the right time when he stumbled upon some 20 GTs on 3 large stingrays. After a couple of near misses, he eventually got 1 to stick, a proud moment, well done Rick. Carlos managed to complete a flats slam with a GT, Triggerfish, and Bumphead Parrotfish, congrats and well-deserved Carlos. Jeremy  however had bigger fish to fry, literary, and landed a bus 116cm GT, way to go Jeremy! Nico chipped in with a GT that was found while it patrolled the edge of the beach and Gerhard managed to get 1 to hand too, encountered while holding in the current near a small depression. 

The last day of the week saw us experience a mix of bright sunshine, cloud, and wind with flat calm moments thrown into the mix too – very strange for us on the weather front at the moment. Craig left it late, but got it done nonetheless early on the morning of the 6th day when he found a GT tailing on a stingray in very shallow water. His fly went down and the magic moment happened, he was connected to his first GT. A few nervy moments later his prize was in his hands, well done Craig. He later added another that encountered when a school of GTs arrived during lunch. 2 in 1 day, great work Craig! Jeremy also enjoyed good fishing landing 3 himself, the biggest 81cm. Carlos, Kevin, Peter, and Nico each landed a single GT to add to the tally. Colby landed a colour Triggerfish to put a full stop on the tailing fish species catch report for the week. Kev, left his best for last, while waiting in large surf a large GT happened to swim right at him. He made a fantastic cast and hooked yet another giant. This time, there was no boat to help him with the fight of the fish and he had to make due with a little luck and good gear… Both happened to be on his side this time. His fish, a beautiful 126cm GT was the perfect way to end a enjoyable weeks fishing! Great job, boys!

That brings us to the end of yet another week of fly fishing the pristine flats of Providence Atoll. This week was 1 of laughter, smiles, adventure, ups and downs. We thoroughly enjoyed it and hope to see all of those who joined us again in the near future!

Our catch tally for the 5th week of the season was as follows: 

  • GTs – 39 (3 of 100cm & biggest 126cm)
  • Bumphead Parrotfish – 2
  • Triggerfish – 8
  • Bonefish – 3
  • Napoleon Wrasse – 11 (108cm)

Till next week, 

The FlyCastaway Team


Providence Blog: 26 March – 2 April 2024

The midway point of our Providence March – April 2024 fly fishing season saw us welcome a mix of familiar faces from South Africa and US with the addition of a handful of newcomers. Excited to see what the atoll had in store for us, we went to work reading everyone’s gear and headed to our anchorage for the week. 

The first day of the fishing week dawned dark, with heavy rain and strong winds out of the west. With limited visibility and buckets of rain falling continuously throughout the day our team had to improvise and spend time on the few white sand patches available. Despite the torrid conditions we made the most of the day with most of the group enjoying phenomenal fishing for grouper, snapper and Bluefin Trevally. As for the iconic species… Dave, Paul, Doug, Ben, and Ian all landed a single GT each while Bruce managed to get 2 to hand. Derek got stuck into the bonefish, landing 4 with the biggest estimated to be in the region of 9 lbs. These were fantastic returns considering the trying conditions we endured. Well done, gentlemen! 

The second day began with much improved weather… Sunshine, and almost no wind, then by mid-day we were pelted with rain and powerful winds out of the southwest. This massive squall made fishing almost impossible for the duration of the afternoon. Paul, Wayne, and Mark pulled off the impossible bringing a GT each to hand. Thrown into the mix were a few groupers, snapper and Bluefin Trevally split amongst the group. All in all, a tough day on the flats. 

The halfway point of the week saw improvement on the weather front, as well as the fishing. With decent light, and more fish on the move our group made the most of their opportunities with Doug managing to land 2 GTs… Wayne, David, and Mark all got stuck into the action too with a 1 GT each. It was however Graham’s Day, when he crossed paths with a genuine trophy GT that was encountered while it patrolled along a lagoon edge. His cast went in and before he could get through his third strip, he was tight to 114cm of pure power. After a long battle he eventually got his beauty to hand, an impressive fish. Great going Graham! Dean later closed off the catch report with a respectable GT of 96 cm. 

The fourth day brought with it more action on the flats. The flats team of Wayne, Graham, and Dean enjoyed several opportunities in front of skinny water GTs with the team managing to boat 5 GTs for the day. Well done guys! Derek, however, was the standout angler for the day and landed 4 GTs and 1 Yellow Margin Triggerfish… Excellent returns for a day out saltwater fly fishing! Ben managed to land his first Triggerfish on the fly, a large Yellow Margin. Great going Ben, well done. Add to the impressive action for the iconic species were phenomenal catches of grouper, snapper, and Bluefin Trevally which kept our anglers entertained for most of the day. 

The fifth day dawned bright and calm with no cloud cover to speak of. The picture-perfect conditions reminded us of the beauty of the place. Ben went tight early on landing a hefty 87 cm GT while his boat partner, Dereck went 1 better landing a fin-perfect 100cm GT just a few moments later. He wasn’t done there and landed a strong 94 cm fish in the dying moments of the day. Mark, Doug, Jo, and Bruce each landed a single GT while Paul tasted epic success while walking along a finger flat. He saw 2 large fish swimming along the edge of the flat and quickly chased them down, sent out a long cast, and went tight into something massive… After an epic tussle he eventually landed a beautiful 104cm GT. Paul’s PB, a special and well-deserved moment! Dean found himself in the hive of pufferfish and managed to land 4 which must be some kind of record. He also managed to land a 2 beautiful Triggerfish. His boat partners, Wayne, and Graham each landed 2 Triggers bringing the boats total tally for the session to 6 Triggers landed. A very special session, well done boys! 

The last day of the fishing week saw us dealt with warm water throughout the atoll. This had a negative effect of the fishing. Jo and Ian landed a GT each while Doug caught his first Triggerfish of the trip. Wayne landed 2 GTs and a Bonefish, while his boat partners Paul, and Dean landed a couple bones each as well. 

That brings us to the end of the 4th week on fishing Providence Atoll. We enjoyed improved fishing from the previous week and we all felt rejuvenated with the prospects of the weeks to come. A special thank you to everyone who joined us this week, we hope to see you all again sometime soon.

Our catch tally for the week was: 

  • GTs – 38 (3 of 100cm) 
  • Bonefish – 8 (Biggest 8lbs) 
  • Triggerfish – 9 
  • Total tally of other species landed – 168

Till next week, 

The FlyCastaway Guide Team

Providence Blog: 19 – 26 March 2024

Perfect sunshine, soaring temperatures, and 100% humidity welcomed our third group of fishermen to Providence Atoll. Our 12 new guests, all from the United States, hosted by The Fly Shop out of Redding, California were newcomers to the Prov experience and over the moon to finally find themselves on her shores.  

The first day of the fishing week was 1 of education. A new marine environment, with new species resulted in us having to spend a few hours couching and tweaking technique before we could get into the action proper. Pat managed to get his first Yellow Margin Triggerfish while Bob, convinced not 1 but 2 Yellow Margin Triggers to his fly as well as a feisty GT. What a way to start, Bob, well done! Evert, meanwhile, got stuck into the Bonefish landing his biggest ever of 9 lbs. and a little while later, he added a colourful Yellow Margin Triggerfish. Dick closed off the catch report with a single Bone. 

Day 2 saw a delayed start due to a powerful squall with heavy wind and rain. The second the squall passed us we headed to the flats and enjoyed decent weather for the remainder of the day.  The GTs made a good show of themselves with Mike G, Mike, Pat, Evert, Dick, and Bruce all tasting success on this front. Dave managed to land the only Bonefish for the day. 

The third day brought with it tricky conditions in the way of dark cloud and little wind. The diminished visibility on the flats really made the fishing tough and only a single GT was caught for the day. Evert, the man of the moment caught a brute 93cm fish that was spotted sitting in ambush position in a small drainage channel. Evert made a great cast and before he could get through his first strip the GT rushed forward and engulfed his fly. Following an epic battle and with a bit of luck going his way, the fish was eventually landed! Great job, Evert! 

Day 4 had us endure strong winds out of the southeast. Despite the challenging casting conditions, we still managed to convert several GTs for the day. Matt found himself in the right place, at the right time, and managed to land 2 GTs himself, while Mark pinned 2 hungry GTs from as many stingrays… His fish were found tailing next to the rays which is always a very exciting spectacle for both angler and guide. Dave and Tom added to the tally with a GT each and finally was Bruce’s impressive 93 cm catch, caught while it patrolled along a white sand beach. The fish ate his fly just a few inches from the shore and was certainly a moment of magic that Bruce will remember for a long time to come. 

Day 5 was an absolute scorcher. No wind and incredible heat made fishing conditions difficult to say the least. Despite this we soldiered on and managed a handful of decent catches with both Bob and Mike managing to fool a GT each. Dennis added a splash of colour to the day’s catch report with the only Triggerfish brought to hand for the day. Though we experienced difficult fishing the seascapes we were treated too were exceptional… As has been said many times before, a day’s fishing sure does beat a day in the office! 

The 6th and last day of the fishing week had us extra motivated to turn things around on the fishing front. All 4 boats headed across the atoll to the eastern side with high hopes of opportunities for the iconic species we so dearly wanted to catch. Mother nature however, had something else in mind for us and delivered a massive weather system by midmorning with incredibly dark clouds, rolling squalls, and periods of almost no wind. This made for exceptionally tricky fishing conditions, and this showed in our catch report with just 2 GTs landed for the day… 1 going to Bruce while the other fell to Dick.

All in all, the third week our season proved to be exceptionally challenging on the fishing front. A mix of hot water and difficult weather conditions culminated to produce the perfect storm so to speak… Nevertheless, we still thoroughly enjoyed exploring our favourite Seychelles fishery with our new friends and hope that they get a better set of circumstances the next time they visit us out here. As for our catch tally, we landed the following fish for the week:

  • GTs – 19
  • Triggerfish – 5
  • Bonefish – 3
  • Total tally of Grouper, Snapper, and others: 181

Till next week, 

The FlyCastaway Guide Team 

Providence Blog: 12 – 19 March 2024

A new day, a new blog! Welcome to the second week’s fly fishing report from Providence for the year of 2024. This week saw us welcome our old friends from Aardvark Mcleod. A full contingent of anglers from England and 1 from Germany all arrived excited, and ready to enjoy a week of fishing our favourite atoll in the Seychelles. 

Ominous cloud banks and showers on the eastern horizon set the tone, weather wise, for the entire week. The first day nevertheless delivered exciting fly fishing for several of Providence’s iconic species… The GTs were out in full force, and we managed to land 11 for the day with the standout catch going to Joern when he was visited by a lunch time GT that wasted no time in grabbing a bit of lunch itself, charging the fly twice before eventually smashing the little brush fly. Joern’s beauty measured an impressive 102 cm, and was a wonderful way to get things going. Brummy, Steve, and James also enjoyed some hardcore action landing 6 between themselves when a large school of GTs were found with several sharks.  Piers chipped in with a colourful Triggerfish and Peter M finally, after several years of fishing Providence, managed to land his first Bumphead Parrotfish, great job and well-deserved Peter! 

The second day delivered similar action on the GT front with a total of 9 landed for the day. This time, the top angler was young Jack, with 1 of his 3 GTs measuring 101cm! Piers, found himself in the thick of the action too, when he found himself surrounded by a school of 10 large fish. He landed the fly and hooked a powerful GT that measured 103 cm. A little later during the day he landed yet another Triggerfish. Good job, Piers. Peter M, Peter O, Fred, and Gerry all added a couple GTs to the tally. 

Day 3 and the weather took a turn for the worse. With little light and no wind, visibility on the flats was especially limited. Despite this we managed to catch a couple fish. Piers, Steve, James, and Peter M all landed a couple GTs. Fred, managed to land a feisty Triggerfish as well as a large Bumphead Parrotfish. Peter O added a GT and Triggerfish to the tally while his son, Jack, chipped in with a colourful Triggerfish to bring an exciting close to the day. 

The fourth day brought with it even more desperate weather conditions. We however soldered on and did what we could to find some action. Peter O, Fred, and James all landed a single GT while Piers, who clearly had his Triggerfish mojo going strong managed to land another one of these colourful and exciting targets. Peter M landed 1 too, his first for the week. Well done, Peter! 

The fifth day of the week delivered scratchy fishing with little returns. Peter M landed 2 GTs, Joern a single fish, while Peter O got stuck into the action on the Triggerfish front, this time landing a beautiful Yellow Margin. It was however Peter Mcleod’s day. As he waited on the edge of the atoll on the slack tide, he noticed a slight disturbance and the caught sight of the tip of a fin protruding just above the surface of the water. He quickly sent out a prospecting cast and before he could get through the third strip of his retrieve there was a massive explosion on his fly and he was tight. With line ripping off his reel in a blur and by the size of the wake caused by the fish as it tried with desperate determination to reach the open ocean everyone knew it was a giant. After a long battle the fish was eventually landed and pulled the measuring tape all the way to 113cm. A beautiful fish, and a deserved catch for Mr. Mcleod. Well done to everyone involved! 

The final day of the fishing week saw the weather continue in the same manor that had abused us for the entire week. The dark conditions and subsequent cool water on the flats however delivered incredible Bonefish fishing for the team of Peter Mcleod, Peter O, and Jack. The trio landed 23 large Bones between them for the day with the largest going to Jack when landed a massive 29-inch fish which put it in the region of 10 lbs.! A great catch for the young man! James, also landed a real beast of Bone, which was close to the 10 lb. mark while Gerry, Piers, and Joren landed the only GTs for the day. Piers, as you probably guessed it, landed another Triggerfish, this time an absolute bus of a Yellow Margin to close off the fishing for the week. 

In summary, this was a week filled with contrasts… Laughter, smiles, and fun despite the depressive weather we endured for the entire week. As always, we enjoyed every minute of it and are grateful that our old friends from Aardvark Macleod did what they could to make the most of their time with us! We can’t wait to welcome you all back next year. As for the catch tally, we landed the following fish for the week: 

  • GTs – 40 (4 of 100cm with the biggest 113cm)
  • Bonefish – 24 (1 of 10lbs.)
  • Triggerfish – 8 
  • Bumphead Parrotfish – 2
  • Total tally of other species landed – 85

Till next week,

The FlyCastaway Guide Team 

Providence Blog: 3 – 12 March 2024

The opening week of our Providence 2024 season saw us welcome 10 guests onboard the Maya’s Dugong for an extended 8 day/9-night trip. With rather bumpy seas and gloomy skies we wondered what the first week in March had in store for us… This is how it went. 

Much to our relief the first fishing day of the season saw us enjoy bluebird skies, brilliant sunlight, and very little wind. The tides allowed us to ease into things with a slow morning push and fly fishing opportunities for a wide variety of targets including GTs, Bonefish, Triggerfish, and Permit shared amongst the group. Charlie and brother Nick shared a fantastic day on the flats together with 3 and 4 GTs landed respectively. Nick’s 4 GTs also happened to be his first ever on the fly which is a fantastic achievement. Charlie later added a large Bonefish of the 9/10 lb. caliber, ending off a wonderful opening to their trip. Elsewhere on the atoll the rest of the group did just as well with Gerald completing a flats slam which consisted of a Bonefish, Triggerfish, and GT. His boat partners Margaret, Rob each landed a GT, however a special mention for Rob who managed to land his first 2 Triggerfish on the fly. Great job Rob! TJ and Ian also landed a Trigger each which rounded off a successful opener for our team. 


Day 2 saw the wind do a complete 180-degree directional change, blowing hard out of the southeast. On the bright side we enjoyed good sunshine for most of the day and this reflected in our catch tally. Tim managed to complete a flats slam consisting of a GT, Bonefish, and Triggerfish. His fishing partner, TJ chipped in with a beaut of GT that measured 89cm as well as 6 Bones. Brothers Nick and Charlie got into the action early and landed a couple GTs each. Nick however had a score to settle, determined to tick off the Triggerfish from his catch list, he did just that, with 2 colourful Yellow Margins. Rob added 2 more GTs, one of which a nice fish of 90cm and last, but not least was Dale, who landed a GT to round off a pleasant day on the flats.

Day 3 had us hopeful for more action, and that’s exactly what we got. The action started on the weather front with consistent rolling squalls and strong gusts coming from the southeast. Despite the patchy light and tricky conditions for casting our guests enjoyed a fine day of flats fishing on Providence. This time, it happened to be Ian’s turn to complete a slam of 2 GTs, 2 Triggers, and a single Bone. Dale laned as many GTs as well as 4 Bonefish, one of which dropped the scale to an impressive 9,5 lb.! It was however their third boat partner who enjoyed a personal victory, smashing his PB with a staunch 100cm GT… Our hats off to you Eric. Gerry and Nick landed a GT each while team T&T (Tim and TJ) managed 3 GTs each during a busy lunchtime session.  

The halfway point of the trip, day 4, had us endure continuous rolling squalls, high altitude clouds, and little periods of sunlight. These conditions made the fishing somewhat difficult, and our guests had to capitalize on the opportunities they got during the short windows of decent visibility. The bulk of the fishing action was shared between Nick and Charlie. The pair found themselves in the right place at the right time and had several large schools of marauding GTs at their feet at different points during the day. Charlie managed to land 3 from these schools, the largest, a respectable 96cm GT, he also pined a lively Triggerfish while Nick chipped in with 2 GTs and a single Bonefish. The rest of the group soldiered on and managed several decent catches with Margaret, Dale, Tim, and TJ all successful on the GT front. Rob, however, enjoyed a particularly special moment when he landed his personal best Giant Trevally, a brute, that measured 101cm! 

Day 5 blessed us with perfect tropical weather, bright sunshine, and a slight breeze from the southeast. The standout catch of the day went to Nick, who managed to land an absolute giant of a GT. His 119cm trophy was spotted as it slowly worked its way along an exposed turtle grass finger flat, Nick’s fly went down and the fish immediately recognized it as prey, shooting forward and engulfing it before the second strip. A mad tussle ensued and due to some luck and some fancy boat work the fish was eventually landed! Charlie added to the day’s tally with another decent fish that measured 90cm while Margaret, TJ, Ian and Rob all enjoyed catches of GTs. Dale and Eric added a splash of colour to the tally with a Yellow Margin Triggerfish and Saddle Back Grouper landed respectively. 

Day 6 dawned bright and fresh. With little wind and clear skies our team headed to the flats with great anticipation of good fishing. The action was shared between TJ, Gerry, Dale, Nick and Charlie, all of whom managed to land a couple GTs. The largest of the day went to Nick when he coaxed a beautiful 96cm fish from a large coral head in the dying moments of the day. On the species front, Rob, Margaret, and Gerry enjoyed a session of productive fishing over the atoll’s expansive coral gardens landing several Bohar Snappers, Napoleon Wrasse, Grouper, and a large Saddleback. 

Day 7 saw a continuation of the flat calm weather, with the addition of a couple degrees Celsius to the days heat. The duration and intensity of the hot weather we experienced during the days prior had finally caught up with us and we experienced warm water in large areas of the atoll which had a negative effect on the fishing. On the GT front, Ian, Dale, Nick, Charlie, and Margaret all enjoyed success. TJ managed to land a massive Barracuda as well as a Napoleon while Charlie and Nick hit it out the park during a very productive session of bommie bashing catching Saddleback Grouper, Bohar, and several other novel species that call the atoll home. 

The last day of the trip saw us endure heavy cloud, rain, and the odd rumble of thunder for duration of the time we spend on the flats. Despite the tough fishing conditions, we still managed to get the odd opportunity in front of our desired targets with Nick, Ian, Rob, and Gerry all bringing GTs to hand. Our shots were taken during brief periods of the tide where we were able to spot water disturbances created by moving stingrays and tailing fish. A tough way to end the trip but we all felt satisfied that we did everything we could to find and catch fish under trying conditions. 

All in all, this was an incredibly enjoyable week of fishing shared with old and new friends. Despite the tough conditions we managed to make memories that’ll last a lifetime. A special thanks to everyone who joined us this week. As for our catch tally we landed the following fish: 


  • GTs – 68 (3 of 100cm +)
  • Triggerfish – 14
  • Bonefish – 29 
  • Total tally of other fish caught – 96

Till next week, 

The FlyCastaway Guide Team

Providence Blog: 14 -21 Nov 2023

We welcomed a full group of anglers from our friends at Yellowdog for the 5th week of fly fishing during our end-of-year season. Most of our new arrivals had never been to the Seychelles before, while a few others had recently spent limited time fishing another atoll in the region. Eager to show our new visitors our office for the next 6 days, we quickly got their gear ready and set off for an afternoon in the deep blue, hoping to catch a couple of edibles for the week ahead.

We got off to a great start on the first full day with 14 GTs shared between the group. Matt, John, George, Jarret, and Jud all opened their Providence GT accounts during the day, Jud’s fish a special catch breaking the fabled 100 cm mark. The top rod of the day however was Andy who landed 4 GTs, both impressive fish measuring 105 and 97 cm respectively. These 2 fish were caught in as many casts and within a minute of each other! Exciting stuff, well done, Andy!

With good weather conditions and energy levels that matched that of the day before, we headed to the flats excited about the fly fishing potential that lay before us. Pete got off the mark early with a nice GT, while Andy kept his good form going with another GT. Jud got off to a flying start as well with 2 GTs early during the day. On the tailing species front, John C got his and the group’s first bumpy to hand, as well as a Napoleon in a busy afternoon session somewhere deep in the atoll. Well done, John! In the deep blue, the team of Jay, Jeb, and George experienced some extraordinary fishing for speedy sailfish; landing three and hooking many more!

On the third day, the light continued to play ball, but the wind had other ideas, cranking up several notches. Jay got his first GT of the trip, while Matt and John landed their first-ever Bumpies. Well done, gents! The late afternoon Bluewater run produced a very respectable yellowfin tuna for John C, something that was greatly appreciated by everyone on board the Maya’s Dugong!

On the 4th day, we focused our attention on the tailing species and our guests made quick work of the opportunities that presented themselves. John D and Andy landed their first trigger each, as well as 5 bones and 1 small GT, resulting in a slam for John D. Ian and Rob also managed a GT each for the day while Jud added a triggerfish, bumpie, and greater barracuda to his growing list of species landed for the trip. Elsewhere on the atoll, George, enjoyed a purple patch of action landing his first bumpie, 2 GTs, a triggerfish, and a large barracuda. His boat partners, Pete and Jay, chipped in with a bumpie each bringing a busy day of flats fishing action to an end.

The 5th day had us dealing with bad light and strong wind, which resulted in very challenging fly fishing conditions for our guests to contend with. Despite the conditions, Jeb and Jarrett both enjoyed success, each landing their first bumpies, a colossal achievement! John C managed the only GT of the day, while his boat partners, Andy and Rob got stuck into the bones landing 16 between the pair. Ian, Pete, and John D landed 5 bonefish as well as several shots at Big Permit between the bonefish action. The anglers that caught fish on day 5 should be proud of their efforts considering the severity of the weather conditions.

We woke on the sixth day to clear skies, and we thought that we might be in luck, but shortly after breakfast, the clouds closed in, and the wind blew gale. Despite this, the teams did very well. Jud and George landed some bonefish and got some shots and truly massive GTs. John C and Jeb each landed bonefish of 10 lbs. Well done, guys! Andy, Matt, and John D landed 13 bonefish for the day. John D also added a giant barracuda and another triggerfish to his collection, which is a perfect way to end the week.

The week’s catch tally was as follows (tough light and strong winds made it difficult, but we still managed to record some great catches):

• GT – 27 ( 2 of 1m ) biggest 105cm

• Bonesfish – 56 ( 2x 10lb)

• Triggerfish – 5

• Barracuda – 3

• Sailfish – 3

• Napoleon – 3

• Total tally of other fish landed for the week – 356

Till next week,

The FlyCastaway Guide Team

Providence Blog: 25 April – 2 May 2023

In what felt like a blink of an eye, the final week of our March – May 2023 season was upon us. Change over day always seems to bring with it bluebird skies and moderate wind, however, the weather forecast for the week was ominous with fierce winds predicted from the south-east. Nevertheless, we were still excited to explore the atoll with our group which included first-time saltwater fly fishermen and a few return guests. After a quick orientation around the mothership and tackle setup, the group made good use of the change-over day to get to know each other on the mid-deck over a few cold beverages.


Day 1 had our guide team spread out to different corners of the atoll in pursuit of the tailing species, and of course, the atoll’s population of Giant Trevally. Jamie got off the mark early with his first-ever GT on the fly. Well done, Jamie! Mario also got stuck into the action immediately landing his first and best GT for the week on the first morning, a lovely fish measuring 96cm! Meanwhile, in another corner of the atoll, Chris and Steve did very well by landing 4 Triggerfish before lunch. The afternoon however turned out to be tricky, with low clouds causing very difficult sight fishing conditions. Despite this, our team persisted and added another 2 more GTs to the tally.


Everyone was up to speed with the daily program by day 2 and we set off for the flats with high expectations. Catches of note included an energic GT caught by Tom, who managed to convert his fish from a school that had corralled a school of baitfish into a channel. Derek, a wanderer, had made his way into some fishy-looking water when he spotted 3 GTs swimming down a lagoon edge. He presented his fly and watched as the 3 fish made a violent approach towards his baitfish imitation, what followed was a successful hook-up and a short but intense tussle between some coral heads. He eventually landed his first Providence GT. Well done Derek! Jim tasted sweet success on the Bumpie front when he landed the group’s first of the week. Great going Jim!


The 3rd day brought with it powerful winds blowing out of the southeast. The severe wind made for challenging fly fishing conditions, however, the atoll still delivered a diverse set of fly fishing scenarios for our guests, with a total catch tally of 6 GTs, 15 Bonefish, and 3 Triggerfish. A special mention goes to Mike who managed to land his first ever GT, which was a special moment for all involved as Mike had traveled the world on several occasions without any success. Congratulations, Mike, we can only imagine how good that must have felt!


We endured wild weather and exceptionally rough seas during the 4th day of the fishing week. The conditions saw us have a delayed start with our team heading for their chosen areas for the day when the weather lightened up a tad. The short delay had little bearing on our catch tally with our group tallying 42 Bones, 3 of which were over 10lb! John, Chris, and Derrek are the lucky anglers to land those hefty Bonefish….way to go guys! Meanwhile, Jim found himself connected to a personal best GT that was picked from a small shoal of GTs that were encountered while they dropped off the flats during the falling tide. His beauty measured an impressive 98cm. Great job Jim! Last, but not least, was Jamie’s Bumphead Parrotfish…CONGRATS!


Day five saw an improvement in the fishing conditions, with better weather and more good fish encountered across the board. Our total catch tally for the day was 10 GTs, 1 Bumpie, 11 Bones,  2 Triggers, and a single Milkfish. Chris found a rich vein of form and landed 3 GTs, while Steve and Kurt kept the Bonefish numbers ticking over by landing many more good-sized Bones. At the end of the day, Tom stepped into the house of pain when he hooked a monster Milkfish in the early evening, which we’re sure he still regrets. After a brutal one-hour battle, he finally brought the fish into the net. Well done, Tom!


The 6th and final day of the season saw us enjoy fantastic conditions, with a light south-easterly breeze and good light. Ken, had been unlucky on the GT front, not from any fault of his own, but rather some bad luck. He however managed to rectify this when he made a cast at a school of GTs working across a small finger flat and much to his and the guide’s joy, a bigger fish parted the youngsters and viciously accepted his fly. After a good fight, he landed his best for the week, a specimen measuring 94cm! Well done Ken! Tom, however, landed the top catch for the week, a strong GT that measured 102cm! Well done Tom! As the final whistle blew on the final evening, Jamie landed his first Milkfish, while at the same time Mario hooked but sadly lost a Sailfish.

Thanks for a great week guys, we really appreciate your support and hope to see you back out there in the coming seasons!


The week’s tally was as follows:

• GT – 32 ( 1 – 102cm )

• Triggerfish – 10

• Milkfish – 3

• Bumphead Parrotfish – 3

• Bonefish – 70 ( 3 of 10lb)

• Other species – 156

A special thank you to all our guests that were a part of this fantastic season, we made memories, shared laughs, and learned yet more about this outlandish fishery. We can’t wait for what October – December has in store for us!

Until then,

The Providence Guide Team

Providence Blog: 18-25 April 2023

We welcomed a full group of guests for the penultimate week of our March – May 2023 fly fishing season. While some of the group were onboard the trusty Maya’s Dugong for their second time, others were first-time visitors of the Seychelles, some even enjoying their debuts in the saltwater.

Having first-timers aboard our mothership was a welcome reminder for our guide team how truly novel the Providence experience is to our guests. The excitement and disbelief that reverberated through the vessel during our routine of catching Yellowfish Tuna during our crossing to our chosen anchorage for the week will put smiles on even the most harden of the guide teams! Once safely anchored and the week’s sushi supplies in check, we bedded down for the evening ready for the upcoming week.

The 1st day saw us focus on all the dos and don’ts pertaining to fly fishing for GTs on the flats. This preparation done right often spells a successful week of fly fishing and despite periods of exceptionally challenging weather our group managed to tally up 5 GTs catches for the day. Our returning guests Bill, Don, and Joe wasted no time and quickly landed decent GTs each. Two new comers, John and Tim also tasted GT success. Great work, gentlemen!

The 2nd day brought with it moments of magic on the GT front, with 6 GTs landed, one of which a real monster that measured 109cm! Our team set to work in their quest to find the hot zones on the atoll, which resulted in each boat travelling to completely different areas of the atoll. Randy, Joe, and John experienced the chaos that is GT fishing when they encountered several brutes during an exciting surf session. The chaos unfortunately saw most of these larger fish lost due to a number of different reasons, however, Randy managed to stay connected to one of his which measured an impressive 90cm… well done, Randy. The catch of the day however went to Adam when he opened his GT account for the week in the most emphatic manor, landing an alarmingly strong 109 cm specimen. Way to go Adam!

Day 3 delivered a reality check for reasons we will never know, as we can only speculate. The atoll went on strike, but not from a lack of effort from our group. We limped our way back to our mothership with just 1 GT landed for the day. On a brighter note, we enjoyed phenomenal bommie bashing catching loads of colourful and interesting species between the numerous coral heads distributed throughout the atoll.

Day 4 was much better by Providence standards and provided Don and Hardy the kind of fly fishing entertainment that the atoll is renowned, the  pair bagging a total 9 GTs between them! Hardy landed the fish of the day and his personal best measuring 103 cm. Great work, Hardy. The wild deep blue offered action too, as we added more Tuna to our rapidly-dwindling sushi stocks thanks to Mike, when he landed a good Yellowfin Tuna on the fly. Thanks, Mike!

Day 5 saw our group enjoy their best day on the flats yet, with a total of 14 GTs brought to hand. The standout catches included a beautiful 108 cm GT landed by Bill after it was hooked in a thin channel and subsequently required some nifty boat work by his guide to weave it out of the nearby coral garden. Jim also found himself in the right place at the right time converting 4 GTs consecutively during a very busy session in the surf. The largest of the 4 was a handsome 95 cm fish that fought well above its weight class, well done Jim!

We set out for the final day with hopes of building on the momentum of the previous day. By now, our guests were all familiar and comfortable with what they needed to do. Given the less than desirable conditions, our group did very well with a total of 6 GTs and 2 Bumpies landed for the day. Don enjoyed the perfect send off when he landed a fantastic fish that measured 108cm; this fish had to be chased down through a network of channels in the boat to get to a place where it could be safely landed…well done gents! The action didn’t stop there for Don! He and Sekhar hooked 6 Bumpies during a busy session on a large turtle grass flat. Unfortunately, most of these large flats dwellers managed to get the better of us, though when it was all said and done, each were proud anglers with a Bumpie to each of their names. Hardy was in the thik of the action again and ended his time with us on Providence in style when he landed a 102 cm GT!

And so ends another week on Providence. Despite the challenging conditions our group enjoyed a successful week of fishing and we can’t wait to welcome them back in the not so distant future!

The total tally for the week was as follows:

  • GTs – 42 (5 of 100cm plus)
  • Bumphead Parrotfish – 2
  • Napoleon Wrasse – 3
  • Tally of other species landed – 247

Until next week,

The Providence Guide Team

Providence Blog: 28 March – 4 April 2023

Week 4 of the Providence March – May 2023 fly fishing season saw us welcome 8 return guests and 4 new additions, all under the care of Justin from The Fly Shop. After a quick orientation of our mothership, we began readying everyone’s gear for another week of flats fishing action.

The predicted weather for the week looked like it would be flat and calm. As it turned out the report was correct… flat and calm is what we got all week. The first day saw our group capitalize on the favourable conditions with 6 GTs, 5 Bumpies, 3 Triggers, and 6 Bonefish landed for the day. A special mention goes out to Steve who managed to complete a slam on his very first day on the flats, landing a Trigger, Bumpie, and GT. A special way to start a Seychelles fly fishing adventure, well done Steve! Brian also enjoyed a red letter day landing not 1… but 2 Bonefish that tipped the scales at 10lbs!

Day 2, and yet more fantastic weather and fishing action! Our group landed a total of 9 GTs between them with 3 slams recorded for the day. Peter, Justin and Otis all slammed with catches of GTs, Triggers, Bumpies, and Bonefish. A very special day was shared between 3 friends and the perfect incentive for a couple of extra celebratory beers that evening. Well done guys!

By day 3 we had begun to feel the effects of the incredibly hot & still conditions. It caused the water temperatures throughout the atoll to rise to a point that made things challenging on the trevally front. Despite this, Providence provided us with numerous opportunities at the tailing species that frequent the atoll. Our shift in focus still produced several catches of GTs, Bumpies, Triggerfish, Bonefish, and a lonesome Permit. Bill was the lucky angler who managed to get the sought-after Indo to hand. Well done Bill!

The sun rose on day 4 producing the same hot and calm conditions! Our group however hit the flats with the same enthusiasm as they did on day 1. It paid off for Ken, who found himself in a rich vein form and went on to land 2 GTs, 1 of which his personal best for the week, sighted and hooked by himself. In addition, Brian landed his third 10lbs bonefish for the week, while Justin and John shared a Bumpie double.

Day 5 saw our group encounter several large schools of Milkfish which resulted in mulitple hookups. Unfortunately however, only 1 was successfully brought to hand, the lucky angler in this case being Steven who did a great job fighting his fish! Brian went on to land a massive Bumpie, his first, while Austin managed to come right on the Trevally front when he landed a spritely GT caught off of a stingray late in the day.

Unfortunately, there was only so much flat and calm weather the atoll could handle, and the fishing action slowed right down during the last day of the week. Despite this, Steve, Ottis, and Ken added to the GT tally which brought our week to a close.

Warm water certainly made fishing tricky by Providence standards, however, it was still an exceptional week from a tailing species point of view. We thoroughly enjoy our time with those who joined us during the 4th week and look forward to welcoming you all back to Providence in the near future.

Our catch tally for the 4th week of our season was:

  • GTs – 34
  • Bumphead Parrotfish – 16
  • Triggerfish – 10
  • Bonefish – 24 (3 of 10lbs)
  • Indo-Pacific Permit – 1
  • Barracuda – 1
  • Milkfish – 2
  • Total tally of other species – 96

Until next week,
The Providence Guide Team

Providence Blog: 22-29 November 2022

The 6th week of our season saw us welcome a group hosted by our friends from Mavungana in South Africa. After a short crossing over from Farquhar our guests were ready to get their week in this outlandish place off to a running start and that is exactly what they did…

Day 1 delivered opportunities for the atoll’s giant trevally and although not all of the shots ended in success 3 of our guests – Nick, Rob, and Chris all managed to land a giant trevally for the day. Action was had on the offshore front too, Johan caught the standout catch here landing an immensely powerful 119cm dogtooth tuna. The day was rounded off with some exceptional fishing over the deeper coral bommies providing our group with exciting entertainment to end the day.

Day 2 brought with it an improvement on the GT front with our guests tasting success on 7 occasions for the day. Nick, Chris, Calum, Craig, and Jono all managed to land a fish each while Rob went one better with 2 for the day. The infamous bumphead parrotfish were also out in good numbers and Jono made his shots count landing a large bumpie. This was no mean feat as it was done using a dry fly imitation that our team had been working on for some time. The very first bumphead parrotfish ever caught on off the surface and a very special moment for both head guide Tim Babich and Jonathan. The fishing off the coral heads was on fire and apart from all the weird and wonderful grouper and snapper species landed there were also 2 napoleon wrasse landed by Jono and Craig, respectively. We had seen some sailfish activity offshore in the days prior and this led to Henk and Johan both landing their first sailfish on fly. Well done, guys!

Day 3 saw yet another improvement in the GT fishing with a total of 11 landed for the day. Craig and Calum continued from where they left off on the previous day landing a GT each. Nick also got in on the action but went one better with 2 GTs. The day, however, belonged to Rob who enjoyed a very busy session of fishing converting 6 GTs to cap off a productive day on the flats.

Day 4 brought with it several opportunities for the atoll’s resident bumphead parrotfish. Henk and Johan’s efforts paid dividend with both managing to land their first ever bumpies. Well done, guys! The sailfish were around again in good numbers – Rob, Roland, and Calum all came right with these acrobats of the open ocean. Back to the flats and the GT action provided our guests with multiple shots to these impressive predators with our group tallying a total of 6 for the day. Craig, Calum, Chris, Nick, Henk, and Jono shared the spoils between them.

We experience tough conditions on day 5 with high winds and limited visibility due to thick cloud cover. Henk found a couple of bonefish on a sand flat and the second fish he caught stretched the tape past the 26.5 Inch mark making it a 10 lber, well done, Henk! The tricky conditions resulted in a single GT brought to hand for the day, a feisty fish caught by Roland.

The last day of the week saw the weather improve slightly and our guests were all itching to end the week on a high. Jono ended his time at Providence in style by landing a powerful trophy GT that measured 100cm. Rob enjoyed success too and landed a triggerfish and another Sailfish. Roland’s persistence paid off as he finally managed to land his first bumphead parrotfish after being fascinated by these fish all week. This brings us to the end of a challenging week’s fishing on the flats of Providence. Tough conditions certainly didn’t help our cause however we thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with the Mavungana group. We look forward to exploring these flats with you all again in the near future.

Our catch tally for week 5 was:

  • GT: 28 (1 of a 100cm)
  • Sailfish: 6
  • Bumphead Parrotfish: 4
  • Triggerfish: 1
  • Napoleon Wrasse: 2
  • Bonefish: 9 (1 of 10lbs.)

Till next week,

The FlyCastaway Guide Team