Providence Blog: 4 – 11 Dec 2018

Providence Blog: 4 – 11 Dec 2018


Day 1 – We woke up to challenging weather with very little light. This didn’t dampen our spirits and we headed out excited to make the most of our final week of the season. The dark conditions proved successful for bluewater fishing and it wasn’t long before we started raising Sailfish and the odd Yellowfin Tuna. Dale and Mark both got into the action by landing a Sailfish each.  The moment the water level allowed us to begin wading we headed for the flats, our focus being trying to spot tails or disturbances caused by the fish moving in the shallow water. Pat started his trip off in style by landing two solid GTs, while Mike who had caught a few smaller GTs on previous trips, managed to land a decent fish. Jim, who was a first time visitor to the Seychelles was in disbelief after landing his first ever GT on the fly on the opening day of his trip. Allan also managed to tick off a lovely Yellow Margin Triggerfish that was spotted tailing on a shallow flat. Despite the tricky light good numbers of fish were spotted on Day 1.


Day 2 – Sunshine! Great conditions to start the day. With the improved light we saw loads of fish. Pat made the most of his opportunities on the flats and managed to hook and land two beautiful GTs. Allan enjoyed his day and landed his first GT. Jim continued his good form on Day 2, ticking off a great Bumphead Parrotfish, a Moustache Triggerfish and a solid Barracuda. Well done Jim! Mike enjoyed a special day, he landed a beautiful GT, a Moustache Triggerfish and finally he secured an Indian Ocean Slam by landing a couple of big Bonefish!

IMG_4624Day 3 – The GTs were around in really good numbers. Saul landed his first GT for the trip. A short while later he landed a second, this fish charging off a stingray and ate the fly so close to him that the fish just about bit the end of his fly rod! A lovely 92cm GT, well done Saul. Dale also managed to hook and land an awesome fish that was sitting stationery just off the edge of a sand bank. This fished missed the fly twice before eventually engulfing the whole thing. Allan and Mike enjoyed the good fishing too by landing a GT each. Mike added a lively Sailfish to his list whilst Jim also landed his first ever Sailfish on fly. Well done Jim!

DSC_9927Day 4 – Although we had a number of shots at some really special fish today, we unfortunately didn’t make the most of these opportunities. Mike and Allen, however kept their good run going by landing a couple GTs each. The species fishing however continued to impress. Amongst others there were good catches of various Groupers, Emperors, Snappers and Bluefin Trevally which always bring a smile to those interested in the lesser known species of Providence Atoll.

DSC_9832Day 5 – Dale and Mike landed two GTs each for the day while Allan almost broke the meter mark with a beautiful GT of 98cm. This fish launched out of the water to eat his fly and then tore off into a channel that was full of coral heads. After some quick boat work, the fly line was freed from the snags and the fish was landed, photographed and sent back to see another day. Jim also managed to get a GT to his name whilst Pat chipped in with a fine GT to end the day. We hooked and lost quite a few fish today, but it was encouraging to see good numbers of fish on the flats.

DSC_9994Day 6 – Both Mark and Pat started their final day on the flats in style by landing a GT each. Team Mike and Allen enjoyed fine fishing with the pair landing two GTs each as well. The species fishing too was great, with loads of big Groupers and Snappers coming to hand. This was a fun week which was definitely enjoyed by all. With that we concluded our final week of the 2018 season. It was a memorable one and we look forward to our next stint in March 2019 on the atoll. Our fish tally for the week was as follows:

  • GTs – 37
  • Milkfish – 1
  • Triggerfish – 3
  • Bonefish – 6
  • Species – 139

Until the next time

The Prov guide team



Providence Blog: 27 Nov – 4 Dec 2018

Providence Blog: 27 Nov – 4 Dec 2018

IMG_7849Day 1 – The GTs were seen in good numbers on the flats with some really great fish coming to hand. Dick who had fished the Seychelles before but hadn’t landed a GT yet managed to get it done within the first 20 mins after hooking an awesome fish cruising on the back of a stingray. Skip managed to get a fish of a lifetime in the deep south dungeons of the atoll, his beautiful GT measuring 117cm. The action continued with a second fish of a meter plus landed by Bjorn. At 103cm, it was his new personal best. There were also some Triggerfish and Bonefish seen moving around the flats, but we looked forward to fishing to them later in the week.

Day 2 –  The atoll was full of life and some great catches were made today. The Milkfish were around and Vidor who hadn’t chased these fish before managed to get one to the boat after a brutal 45 minute fight. Anyone who has ever fought one of these fish sure knows how strong they are. Biker managed to also get a trophy Napoleon wrasse measuring in at 95cm…well done sir!


Day 3 – The Triggerfish and Bonefish were seen in good numbers. Best of all they were in skinny water and tailing hard and the guys managed to land some really good sized Bonefish. Bjorn managed to hook and land two great Yellow Margin Triggerfish and a few others were lost during the day. Don also managed to get it done in the dying hours of the day by getting two GTs to hand. It just goes to show you need to stay focused and be ready at all times while wading on the flats, your day is not done until you get back to the mothership!

Day 4 – The Bonefish were around in good numbers on the north eastern side of the atoll with Bill, Wes and Lake enjoying some really good Bonefishing. Wes also managed to add a new species to his catch list with a prized Yellow Margin Triggerfish. Lake meanwhile added a Yellow Dot Trevally to his catch list as Providence continues to dazzle with its diversity. The GTs were seen in various scenarios however we only managed to capitalize on a few of the opportunities for the day.

Day 5 – Mike hooked an enormous GT that was estimated to be in the range of 130cm, unfortunately this monster of a fish broke him off. Bjorn managed to land two GTs, whilst Vidor caught a good fish that was holding in the current much the same way a trout would do in a river. One well presented cast above the fish was all it took.

IMG_0876Day 6 – We were treated to some awesome Bonefishing with shots at large single fish tailing in skinny water. The GTs were around in decent numbers as well, however the overcast conditions made it tricky to spot them in time. Mike did not let anything stop him on the last day and managed to get a couple GTs to hand. Dick also made the most of his last day on the flats by landing an incredible Moustache Triggerfish and finally he added a beautiful Sailfish to his catch list for the week. This meant two new species for Dick on the last day, well done! Thank you to everyone who joined us this week, we had loads of fun on the flats and look forward to catching more great fish together in the future. Our fish tally for the week was:

  • GTs – 53
  • Milkfish – 1
  • Triggerfish – 4
  • Bonefish – 34
  • Species – 180
  • Sailfish – 1

Until next time

The Prov guide team

Providence Blog: 20 – 27 Nov 2018

Providence Blog: 20 – 27 Nov 2018

DSC07335Day 1 – We started the day with mid morning low tide which allowed a short period of time to fish the dropping tide as well as a full pushing tide as the day continued. Chris, a first time visitor to the Seychelles took full advantage of the good numbers of GTs seen on the flats by opening his account for the week early into Day One. He later hooked and got a second to hand, good job Chris! John and Tom also managed to get a GT each for the day, whilst Christiaan who wasn’t letting opportunities swim by, set the hook on a great fish and eventually got it to hand. Our first meter plus fish had arrived on the first day. Congratulations Christiaan! Nick also managed to get an awesome Yellow Margin Triggerfish while Mike fooled a great Moustache Triggerfish, which he landed after a spirited fight. The Sailfish also showed up to the party, which resulted in a hooked and landed Sailfish on fly for Chris G. With the flats looking as good as they were the excitement levels were high as we ended Day One!

DSC07141Day 2 – The GTs were showing up all over the place, which kept everyone focused and scanning the flats for any movement or wakes. Nick, keeping calm and collected managed to fool a beautiful GT as it slowly swam up the flat on the incoming tide. A special note here for Christiaan who came to Providence Atoll with the hope of getting a Bumphead Parrotfish on fly. He managed to tick this one off the list on Day Two by landing a real beauty, well done Christiaan! Shilo, Joe and Mike all got into some Sailfish action. These special fish should be on everyone’s ‘must catch’ list as their acrobatic jumps and blistering runs are just incredible to experience!

IMG_7611Day 3 – Another great day on Providence, Dick and Bruce managing to land their first GTs, both fish measuring around 80cm. John meanwhile managed to break the magical meter mark with a great GT picked out of a school of around 30 which were marauding across the flats. The coral heads were full of life, which provided great fun for everyone landing a bunch of Snappers, Groupers and Emperors. The diversity on the flats of this atoll is certainly unlike any other place in the Indian Ocean.

DSC07361Day 4 – Chris G managed to land his first GT for the week, an episode which wasn’t without drama. A knot in the fly line after hooking the fish resulted in three sections of his rod going for a swim. Fortunately, he was able to land the fish and retrieve the rest of his fly rod! Bruce and Chris after a display of jumps and hard runs got their first Sailfish each to the boat, Christiaan also managing to hook and land a lively Sailfish before the day came to an end. The Milkfish were around in good numbers daisy chaining in the blue water, Christiaan, who was focused on getting one this trip unfortunately lost his fish after getting it near the boat. We win some and we lose some and unfortunately the Milkfish won this battle.

Day 5 – We decided to head over to the eastern edge of Providence as the tides were ideal to do so, this decision paying off with plenty of GTs patrolling the flats. Shilo, who had hooked and lost a few GTs this week managed to two for the day. Chris G and Chris both managed to get meter fish, fish of  100cm and 102cm respectively. Great job gentleman! Christiaan chipped in with two Moustache Triggerfish for the day; these fish are always great fun to chase on the flats.

IMG_1568Day 6 – The fishing was again on top form, Randy managed to get a massive Barracuda and 5 GTs for the day. Christiaan made the most of his last day on the flats by landing two fish over the meter mark, a 101cm and 105cm. Great job! Bruce, Shilo and John all managed to get two GTs to hand, Shilo who was making the most of the final day got our second Bumphead Parrotfish for the week. Mike landed a fine GT on the last day whilst Nick landed an awesome Napoleon Wrasse which is a special catch anywhere in the world! Joe ended his Providence fishing experience with a beautiful Moustache Triggerfish. This was a great week with lots of fun and laughter enjoyed by all. Thank you to all of the guests for joining us…we look forward to seeing you again soon. Our fish tally for the week was:

  • GTs – 66
  • Bumphead Parrotfish – 2
  • Triggerfish – 8
  • Sailfish – 8
  • Species – 449

Until next week

The Prov Guide Team

Farquhar Blog: 16 – 23 November 2018

Farquhar Blog: 16 – 23 November 2018

IMG_2328The 7thweek of our September – December season on Farquhar saw the return of the prevailing South East wind and with it a few heavy downpour. For the most part however, the weather was fair with good light , elements essential for spotting fish. Tidal wise we started on neap tides heading into the early stages of springs as the week progressed. All of our guests enjoyed some solid Bonefishing with everyone landing good numbers, sizes ranging from 45 – 65cm. As 6 of our guests this week were new to salt water fly fishing getting their first Bonefish on fly was really special and enjoyed by all.


The GT fishing this week was slow on the flats as we only managed to hook 7 fish and convert 5. Huey did manage to land his first ever GT on fly and to make it more special it was on a 9wt. Ferdi managed to land a GT of 75cm off the back of a ray while drifting over a turtle grass flat. Justin landed a solid 89cm fish during an off-shore session. There were other GTs caught by Dirk and Jack of 60cm and 59cm respectively. The Bluefin Trevally were around in solid numbers and we managed to land a few ranging from 60-75cm.

This week the Bumphead Parrotfish fishing was slightly tougher than normal, a few scattered pods encountered across the atoll, with 5 fish hooked but unfortunately none coming to hand.

IMG_4316The Triggers were seen tailing during particular periods of the tides and of the 4 hooked 2 were successfully landed. Father and son Ferdi and Eugene got a Moustache Trigger each within a short period of each other during a surf walk. Eugene landed a solid 58cm Moustache Trigger after having seen the fish tailing hard on a turtle grass patch, he put the fly close to the fish and it crushed the fly. Ferdi’s fish was caught in the same area ,a 55cm Moustache Trigger giving them the perfect start to the day.

IMG_4408-2The diversity of this fishery ensured our guests rods remained bent throughout the week, as the species fishing was particularly good including some very large Groupers. Justin who has been coming to Farquhar for years and trying to catch a Napoleon Wrasse finally ticked his box landing a Napoleon Wrasse of 73cm. Epic fish Justin, well done!

With the GT fishing tougher than normal this week Farquhar still produced some special fish and got a few more newcomers hooked on the sport. We hope to see them all of them again soon.

Until next week

The Farquhar Guide Team

Providence Blog: 13 – 20 Nov 2018

Providence Blog: 13 – 20 Nov 2018

IMG_7165Day 1 –  We started the week on neap tides which are ideal for tailing fish, less water movement allowing the fish to spend more time on the flats feeding and feeling relaxed. The team of Vladimir, Grigori and Sergei  P all of whom had fished in the Seychelles on several occasions before had come to Providence Atoll specifically to target Bumphead Parrotfish. The trio of anglers didn’t waste anytime in their quest with each of them landing a Bumphead Parrotfish on the opening day. The GTs were around in good numbers, John R enjoying his first experience in the Seychelles managed to land an amazing fish, breaking the meter mark and measuring 107cm. This GT was taken from a school of around 50 fish who were busy harassing the numerous baitfish in the area. Once hooked it tore away with incredible speed and gave his gear a seriously thorough testing. Bevan who waited all of 15 minutes into his first morning managed to hook and land his first ever GT on fly, a great way to start the week for him. The Bonefish were on the flats doing their thing in good numbers, which provided some of our guests with amazing skinny water Bonefishing. Tony who was another new face to the Seychelles was able to land a special Yellow Margin Triggerfish, not to be out done by this Mike managed to get a beautiful Moustache Triggerfish to hand, ending day one with a bang!

TVP01123Day 2  – With the tides allowing us to access the flats for just about the entire day it kept those interested in chasing the Bumpies very busy. Vadim and Sergei G who were also focusing their efforts on the Bumpies this week both managed to hook a few. Sergei G managed to tick the right boxes and land his first ever Bumpy on the fly. Sergei P managed to fool a fin perfect Yellow Margin triggerfish with a well-presented cast. The GT fishing was slower than normal however we were still able to get a few to hand, John F’s GT of 92cm was the highlight from that front. The Sailfish were also around in good numbers but unfortunately we weren’t able to get any to hand.

Day 3 – As the week continued those in the group who were most interested in chasing Bumpies and Triggers took full advantage of the conditions as these two species were still around in great numbers. Sergey and Grigori made the most of the favorable conditions and were able to land a couple Bumpies for the day. Vadim after hooking and losing a fair number of Bumpies was able to live his dream by eventually landing a magnificent fish that pulled the measuring tape past the meter mark, Well done!  The GT fishing was a little slow on this day with limited opportunities presented to those of the group who were looking for them.

IMG_4482Day 4 – Grigori who was enjoying a great week managed to get another two Bumpies to the net whilst Sergei hooked and landed his third Bumpie for the week, great job gentlemen. Vadim was also able to get an awesome Yellow Margin Triggerfish, which are always a satisfying catch. The Sailfish are still around in good numbers; both John R and Keith landed a sailfish each. John F was able to land two GTs for the day, which was good going considering that these fish had been a little difficult to come by this week.

Day 5 – Sergei P started the day with a Yellow Margin Triggerfish, whilst Vladimir hooked and landed two very special fish, the first being a monster Bumpie measuring 117cm and his second measuring 115cm. Sergei P also managed to land another who of these iconic fish. Vadim had an unbelievable day landing a Bonefish, a Yellow Margin Triggerfish, a GT and finally topped it off with a Bumpy completing a super slam, which is an incredible feat by any standards! On the GT front Keith and John R managed to get a GT a piece and Mike chipping in with two for the day. The Sailfish showed up for John R who stuck his second for the week.

TVP01075Day 6  – With the week coming to an end our guests were keen to make the most of their final day on the flats. The Milkfish were around in good numbers during the morning period, Vadim made the most of his opportunity and managed to get one of these powerful fish to the net.  The Triggerfish were seen on a number of occasions which eventually led to both Sergei G & Keith landing Yellow margin Triggerfish each on the last day. Whilst the GT fishing was challenging, we suspect the presence of easy food offshore might be the reason that the GTs were not around in their usual numbers, despite this we managed to land a huge number of Bumpies and a couple other exceptional fish. We look forward to the coming weeks on Providence Atoll. Our fish tally for the week was:

  • GTs – 14
  • Bumpies – 19
  • Triggers – 9
  • Milksfish – 1
  • Bones – 34
  • Species – 142

Until next week

The Prov Guide Team

Farquhar Blog: 9-16 Nov 2018

Farquhar Blog: 9-16 Nov 2018

It was a tough week from a weather point of view, a large tropical depression was circulating around the region  bringing with it a strong Westerly wind and heavy rain throughout the week.

IMG_4112With the sudden change in weather the GTs were reluctant to come onto the flats and as a result the GT fishing was tough by Farquhar standards with only 8 fish being hooked and 5 landed. Sean managed to land 2 fish of 78cm and 82cm respectively, Ferdi and David also landed a GT each of 65cm and 77cm. The fish of the week was however a really good one, Tom’s first ever GT on fly a 115cm slab. The fish was seen cruising a turtle grass flat on the back of a Nurse shark. Tom made the cast just off the shark and a few quick strips later he got the eat. Epic fish, well done Tom! A few sizable Bluefin Trevally were also landed including Sean’s 78cm fish and Mary 72cm.


The Triggers were around in solid numbers as we saw many tailing all over the atoll, 8 were hooked and 3 landed. Mary landed her first, a fine 45cm Moustache Trigger. Tom also managed a 46cm Moustache Trigger and Sean got a personal best 58cm Moustache Trigger. This tank was spotted tailing hard over a patch of turtle grass during a surf walk. Sean put the fly right next to the fish and with a long draw of the fly the fish rushed over and crushed it. Well done Sean!


The Bumpies were scattered throughout the week and although we managed to hook 5 we unfortunately were only able to convert 1 fish. After plenty of perseverance Ferdi got his first Bumpie, a 90cm fish that was tailing on a turtle grass section close to the surf. Once hooked the fish took off like a steam train, nearly spooling him as he reached the last 30m of backing. He managed to turn the fish and get her away from the rest of the school and after a lengthy fight, Ferdi landed the fish he has been chasing for a while. Nicely done Ferdi!

With the constant overcast and rainy conditions throughout the week, spotting Bones was tricky, but our guests got it done with everyone landing Bones at an average size of 55cm. One particularly memorable fish was landed by Sean, an 82cm tank! The big fish was landed during a surf walk after Sean spotted the fish tailing in the swell all on it’s own. A good cast went out, the fish ate and a searing run towards the surf ensued. He manged to turn it and after a solid tussle the giant fish was landed.

IMG_4186The species fishing this week continued to impress, the grouper species in particular smashing anything that came near their coral head. Jonathan landed a 55cm Napoleon Wrasse, whilst Tom’s 80cm African Marble grouper were two of the better ones landed. Unfortunately it was a tough fishing week by Farquhar’s standards but a few superb fish did come to hand and with a great bunch of people ensured good times were still had by all.

Until next week

The Farquhar Guide Team

Providence Blog: 6-13 Nov 2018

Providence Blog: 6-13 Nov 2018

IMG_4384Day 1 – our first day out and the GTs were around in good numbers. It wasn’t long when Mike was onto a solid oceanside fish whilst Mel, Bomber and Matt also enjoyed landing their 1st GT on fly. All the guys were was also very keen on adding to their species lists…they had come to right place land 14 different species on their first day out alone. The Bumpies are back and happily tailing on the flats, John managing to present a perfect crab imitation to a fish which kicked it up. He got a huge shock as to how strong these fish are, but after a good tussle the fish was finally netted and measured at 108cm!

Day 2 – Our second day and the atoll continued to deliver the goods with more guys landing their first GT on fly. The species fishing continued to impress with guys managing to land more great variety including Mel’s great Napoleon Wrasse.


Day 3 – A strong south westerly wind had arrived and as such we took the Mayas Dugong over to the eastern side of the atoll. This area still needs to be fully explored although we have certainly seen its potential. On the GT front we saw some really big fish, some of which were lost. We also came across some Permit, Bomber managing to hook one of these amazing fish although it sadly found it’s way into the coral. Bad luck Bomber The Bumpies were also tailing hard in good numbers and your guests continued to enjoy some  great species fishing including some Bohar Snappers in the region of 20lbs.

Day 4 – A morning dropping tide on the eastern edge saw some amazing fish coming to hand. Eric finally broke the meter mark with a beautiful ocean GT measuring in at 106 cm and later on catching a beautiful Napoleon Wrasse. His fish was over a meter and was sight cast to on the flats…truly a remarkable catch! Mike landed our second meter plus GT, his 110cm fish giving a great account of itself before it surrendered. To cap off the day, Lee managed to get a Bumpy to his name which was taken out of a small pod of fish feeding on a mottled coral flat on the dropping tide.

IMG_7013Day 5 – The flats were a little slow but the guys managed to capitalise on the shots that did come our way, everyone now having landing a GT during the trip. The coral heads which are full of life continued to provide action full of life, a huge variety of grouper snapper and emperors ensuring a great day out was still had by all. The bluewater fishing has also been rewarding on the high tides with some nice Tuna, Barracuda, Rainbow Runners and Green Job fish coming to hand.

Day 6 –  Our final day and the guys put in a big effort. Matt who after losing 8 bumpies throughout the week eventually overcame his nemesis and on top of that landed a 100cm GT  which was spotted drifting in the surf. A great effort Matt! John who has fished with us a couple of times also managed to land his first Bumpy on fly which was great to be a part of. And finally in the dying moments of the day and trip SHE arrived. Charging in towards Bomber at speed he held his nerve and the fly was engulfed. The end result was 114cm of pure aggression and the fish of lifetime! Great job Bomber.

Despite some tricky wind and weather conditions our group was stilled thrilled with the trip. The sheer diversity of fish species and fishing scenarios clearly leaving an impression not easily forgotten. We hope to see them all back out with us in future seasons. The tally at the end of the trip being:

  • GTs x 74
  • Bumpies x 6
  • Triggers x 1
  • Species x 280

Until next week

The Prov Guide Team

Farquhar Blog: 2-9 Nov 2018

Farquhar Blog: 2-9 November 2018

C16A7438This week on Farquhar we welcomed back our great group of friends from Austria hosted by Stefan and Alex Haider of AOS Fly Fishing. This week started with morning neap tides which progressed to midday springs towards the end of the six days of fishing. The weather was perfect for 4 of the 6 days with clear skies, lots of sunlight and a light breeze which kept us from getting too hot on the flats. The wind picked up the tempo for the last couple of days and made the opportunities a little more challenging. The fish were out and about and plentiful this week, with the GTs being present in good numbers on the flats.

Farquhar Atoll - Seychelles www.flycastaway.com info@flycastaway.com

The duo of Marko and Thomas started their week off with 3 GTs landed, one of which was an incredible fish of 128cm! The fish was landed by Marko, it was spotted with another fish of a similar size late into a slow pushing tide; Marko made a great cast, started to retrieve the fly but lost his footing while standing on the boat. He jumped out the boat, somehow managed to land on his feet and hooked the fish. The fish tore off at a rate of knots towards a large group of coral bommies, fortunately with some quick thinking by Matthieu his guide they managed to free the line from the coral and eventually after a long fight the fish was landed! Thomas landed numerous GTs this week, some big bones and a jumbo-sized Golden Trevally.

IMG_3823First timers to the Seychelles and Farquhar Atoll Christian and Helmut were treated to some fantastic fishing with numerous Bonefish landed. Christian managed to land his first GT on fly with a very respectable fish of 98cm. He also managed to hook and land a large Barracuda, a Golden Trevally, Bluefin Trevally, Sailfish as well as a massive Indian Mirror fish which is a very rare and special catch.

DSC02780Also first timers to the flats of Farquhar were couple Sophie and Stefan. They started their week in style with a GT hooked and landed with Stefan’s very first cast of the trip! Stefan had a good week landing 2 GTs, lots of bonefish, countless groupers – of which one a giant Goliath Grouper and a couple of very decent Bluefin Trevally. Sophie managed to hook and land (amongst others!) two very special fish; a large bonefish of 68cm and on the last afternoon of the trip she managed a monster GT measuring out at 114cm, what a way to end her trip and land her first ever GT on fly.

DSCN1258Alex and Stefan both managed to bag some incredible groupers, Boha Snappers, Napoleon Wrasse as well as a couple GTs a piece. In total we hooked 40 GTs as a group and land 27. We saw a good number of larger fish on the flats which is a positive sign for the weeks to come. The Triggerfishing was tough this week, sadly none of the 4 we did hook coming to hand. The Bumphead Parrots also proved difficult, but we still managed to land two of the five hooked – one a piece for Alex and Micheal; this was Michael’s first Bumphead on fly which made it extra special.


Farquhar Atoll - Seychelles www.flycastaway.com info@flycastaway.com

The Bluewater fishing was great and we managed to hook 5 Sailfish, landing 2, one for Waltraud and one for Christian. A couple Yellowfish Tuna were about which made us all very grateful at dinner time! The Grouper fishing this week was something to take note of as not only did we catch good numbers of fish we also caught exceptionally large Groupers, Boha Snappers and Napoleon Wrasse.

This was really a great week with special fish caught every day. We look forward to seeing our friends from AOS Fly Fishing again next year. Till next week, tight lines.

The Farquhar Guide Team


Providence Blog: 30 Oct – 6 Nov 2018

Providence Blog: 30 Oct – 6 Nov 2018

Our opening week of the Oct – Dec 2018 saw us welcome many familiar faces along with some new ones, all of whom were really excited to see what incredible fishing Providence had in store for them.


Day 1 – We came across good numbers of Milkfish feeding offshore whilst heading out to the flats and it didn’t take long before we had our first one of the season in the net. Congratulations to Jean Louis for not only landing one but two Milks to get our season underway. The GT fishing started off well,  good numbers of fish coming to hand before the opening day was done. Well done Bertrand who landed our first fish over a meter, his beautiful specimen measuring a solid 102cm.

IMG_4336Day 2 – The atoll was looking good with big numbers of fish patrolling the flats and it didn’t take long until the second GT over a meter was landed. Stephane managed to make the perfect cast on a beautiful oceanside fish after it had slowly drifted in with the surf. After a solid tussle his beast 109cm fish came to hand.  Malik had a great day as well, landing 3 GTs for the day and unfortunately losing a big Napoleon Wrasse whilst fishing the north eastern lagoons of the atoll. The Triggerfishing was superb, countless fish spotted tailing on the edges and fingers of the lagoon. Well done to Jack, Bertrand and Stephane for all getting a Trigger to hand for the day. Bertrand’s Trigger capped off a special day for him with our first SLAM ( Gt, Trigger and Bonefish on one day).

Day 3 – The fishing was on fire. Large numbers of GTs came to hand and to top it off the Bonefish were happy and hungry tailing in super skinny water, the Bones ranging from 22-28 inches. The bluewater also offered some incredible fishing, with some really big Tuna and Sailfish being landed. The Bumpies were the only major target species missing, however huge numbers of Bluefin Trevally ensured everyone was kept busy and alert throughout the day.

Day 4 – We continued to enjoy great weather and ideal spotting conditions, the good numbers of GT’s, Bones and Triggers providing great sport for the entire group. On the Bluewater side of things, Alberto and Stephane both enjoyed the thrill of landing Sailfish on fly. Congrats guys!

IMG_4349Day 5 – We headed out early to enjoy a morning pushing tide, some of the guests on the hunt for Triggers and others more GTs.  Jack landed another Moustache Trigger, whilst Jean Louis landed two beautiful yellow margin trigger fish. Jean Louis’s fish complete an incredible day of angling, other notable fish for him on the day including a solid Bonefish, a GT and to top it all off his third Milkfish for the week. Stephane who also managed to get a Milky to the net in an awesome session with good numbers of fish feeding hard in the late afternoon. A great day!


Day 6 – Good numbers of GT’s continued to come out, Stephane in particular reaping the rewards for some good angling. He landed our third fish over a meter after about 30 well conditioned fish were spotted tailing on the turtle grass. His fish didn’t hesitate eating the fly and gave a solid fight before being tailed. Stephano who specifically came for a Triggerfish finally ticked the box with a very special Triggerfish. Well done! To top it all off Jack managed to land his first Milk on the fly, Stephane following suit with his second of the week. Great job guys.

In total we landed the following numbers during the week:

  • GTs x 80
  • Bonefish x 31
  • Triggerfish x 10
  • Sailfish x 9
  • Milkfish x 6
  • Species x 108

All in all it was a great week and we cannot wait to see what next week has in store for us!

The Prov Guide Team

Farquhar Blog: 26 Oct – 2 Nov 2018

Farquhar Blog: 26 Oct – 2 November 2018


Farquhar Atoll - Seychelles www.flycastaway.com info@flycastaway.com

Our week with a group mostly made up of return visitors to Farquhar started with a mid-day spring tide. This allowed us to fish the full drop and pushing tide for the first couple days of the week moving to neaps into neap tides as the week developed. The weather was somewhat challenging for the first few days of the week but cleared up nicely with us enjoying a good 4 days of great weather conditions.


IMG_3529The GT fishing was fantastic this week, 20 of the 39 hooked fish being landed. Matvey landed our largest for the week, his 99cm part of a truly special moment with good friend and fishing partner Alexander. Alfredo opened his GT account with a stunning 90cm GT on the first morning of the week. This was Alfredo’s first ever GT on Fly and he managed to land another later in the week. David in particular fished well and had a cracking week, landing 9 GTs of varying sizes. Superb fishing!


The Bumpies also provided good chances throughout the week, in the end we landed 4 of the 7 we had hooked. David landed his first and second Bumphead Parrotfish on fly on the same day and when he managed to land a GT as well as a Bonefish before the day was done he had completed our Bumpy Slam. Congrats! Matvey and Andrey also managed to hook and land their first Bumphead Parrotfish on the fly. Well done guys! The Triggers were busy on the flats this week, our managing to hook 7 but only a beautiful Yellow Margin caught by Alexander and a strong Titan landed by Gennadii. Gennadii’s fish was part of our second Slam for the week, the other two species on the day including a Bonefish and GT. Great job!


We also experienced some terrific Bonefishing this week, all the guests landing solid numbers before the week came to a close. Our offshore fishery continued to fire. Two Sailies, multiple Tuna, some Rainbow Runner and a 115cm Dogtooth Tuna landed by David capped off a really enjoyable week highlighting Farquhar’s terrific species possibilities.  It was a great week with a great group of people and we look forward to welcoming them back to Farquhar soon.

Until next time

The Farquhar Guide Team