Providence Blog: 9 – 16 April 2019

Providence Blog: 9 – 16 April 2019

IMG_8781Day 1 – Our fourth week of the season on Providence Atoll started with full moon neap tides, a slow dropping tide in the morning and a late afternoon push. Mike wasted little time and opened his account in style by landing a monster 102cm GT on his very first cast of the trip! Chase made the most of the numerous GTs seen today and landed 3, while Tim also enjoyed his day and managed to get 2 to hand. We encountered a good number of tailing Triggerfish on the flats today, however Terry was the only successful angler on this front, landing a lively Yellow Margin Triggerfish. The Bumphead Parrotfish were also seen tailing on a number of occasions and eventually after a couple fish that were hooked and lost, two of our guests landed Bumpies for the day, 1 a piece for Bowen and Chase. An eventful start to the week on the flats of Providence that left us excited to see what the rest of the week had in store.

IMG_3532~photoDay 2 – We came across loads of Bumpies today feeding hard and willing to eat a well-presented crab imitation. Well done to Mike – after losing 12 of these fish he finally managed to get the upper hand by not only landing 1 but 2 great fish! Zack also experienced good fortune on the Bumpie front and managed to land his first Bumpie too, well done guys! These slow-moving tides have made it ideal for tailing fish and thus we encountered incredible numbers of Triggerfish, Tim took full advantage of this and landed a colorful Yellow Margin Triggerfish. Despite the slower than usual GT fishing a couple of great catches were still enjoy by our guests; Tim managed to match yesterdays exploits and landed another 2 GTs. Tony had an incredible day by completing a Slam, he landed – a 98cm GT, a Yellow Margin Triggerfish and topped it off with a Bonefish, well done Tony!

IMG_8865Day 3 – The GT fishing really picked up a couple gears today with us coming across a mixture of free-swimming fish, including GTs on sharks and stingrays. Mike Dawes landed 3, Tim landed 5, while Zack landed 4 including his PB; a great fish of 104cm that was caught while it pushed a wake on a turtle grass flat, completely engulfing the fly as soon as it hit the water and then it proceeded to give us a good tussle before coming to hand, congrats! The Bumpies were still around in good numbers with Mike managing to land 1 and Paul landing 2, well done guys. Tony converted his chances with the Triggers yet again and managed to land an awesome Moustache Triggerfish. All in all, it was another great day out on the flats with some fantastic fish coming to hand.


Day 4 – The tides have progressed to new moon neap tides with a slow morning push. The GTs were around in solid numbers and our guests experienced some unforgettable moments with GTs tailing in schools, smashing any baitfish pattern presented to them. Tony had an amazing day and landed 8 GTs, a huge Yellow Margin Triggerfish and a Bonefish – completing his second slam for the week, great job! Bowen, Chase and Bob also had a great day and landed 10 GTs between them; Bowen getting his PB with a trophy of 100cm, well done Bowen! Meanwhile Terry added to his tally and landed a solid GT measuring 93cm. The Bumpies and Triggers were seen again in great numbers but unfortunately, they got the better of us, we looked forward to trying our hand with them again tomorrow.

IMG_8835Day 5 – The GTs were around and patrolling the flats and lagoon systems off the north eastern side of the atoll. Some of our guests experienced 60+ fish cruising on the backs of lemon sharks, ready to attack anything that crossed their path. Tim had a great day by landing 4, with his biggest being a fin perfect specimen measuring 100cm. Tony also managed to land a trophy GT today measuring in at 100cm. Paul also got some decent GTs today, landing 2 and a prized Yellow Margin Triggerfish. Finally, Mike had a special day too and managed to add another 4 GTs to his tally for the week. 


Day 6 – The fishing has been great all week with the new moon neap tides delivering a variety of different fishing scenarios which has allowed our guests to enjoy a large range of special catches. Everyone was very keen to get straight out there today and see what the flats had in store for them on the final day of their trip. Tim, after losing 11 Bumpies this week eventually got the stars to align and landed his first in the dying moments of the day, well done Tim! Our good fortune with the GTs continued with us crossing paths with loads of GTs. Mike and Zack landed 3 each, Paul managed to land 2 and the biggest for the final day, measuring 95cm. Tony continued his great form on the flats and managed to land 3 GTs, yet another Yellow Margin Triggerfish and 3 Bonefish to complete his 3rd slam for the week, what a way to end your 6 days of fishing on Providence Atoll.

On behalf of FlyCastaway we would like to thank all of our guests for a great week out on the flats, we had a great time fishing with you all and we hope to do so again in the not so distant future.

Our fish tally for the week was as follows:

  • GTs – 89
  • GTs over a metre – 6
  • Bonefish – 6
  • Triggers – 9
  • Bumpies – 10
  • Species – 195

The Providence FlyCastaway Guide Team.

Farquhar Blog: 5 – 12 April 2019

Farquhar Blog: 5 – 12 April 2019


We began this week on Farquhar with windy conditions, a strong south easterly blowing from 15 to 20 knots and showers on and off for the first 2 days. The rain and wind slowly gave way and by the end of the week the wind had died down to a comfortable 2 to 4 knots with great sunlight and warm conditions. The tides this week started with new moon spring tides with midday lows, moving on to neaps later in the week.


The GT fishing this week saw 14 fish landed by our guests with 5 fish over a metre! Angler Angelika, a familiar face to Farquhar landed her first GT over a metre, well done Angelika. Angler Bill closed out the week with a brute GT measuring 105cm on his first cast of the last day of fishing. Angler James from the UK landed 2 fish over a metre this week with his largest measuring a massive 114cm. Our largest fish of the week was landed by Angler Joern from Germany. This beast of a fish measured a massive 124cm! After a long fight this monster fish was landed. After a quick photo session it was released strong and healthy. Father and son team of Hunter and Lewis landed their first GTs on fly while Anglers Keith and Maria landed 2 GTs each.


We hooked 7 Triggers this week, unfortunately we weren’t able to get any to hand. The Bumpies were seen in good numbers again this week however of the 6 hooked, only of 1 of 94 cm was landed by angler Colin.

Those willing to spend time peppering the coral heads with flies enjoyed great returns with loads of Bohar Snapper and Grouper hooked and landed. Gerhard from Germany landed two special fish this week, a large Barracuda and a Bluefin Trevally of 75cm.

Despite the tricky light we experienced at the start of the week our guests still enjoyed some fantastic fishing, with special catches enjoyed throughout the duration of our guests stay with us. We look forward to welcoming you back to Farquhar in the future.

The Farquhar FlyCastaway Guide Team

Providence Blog: 2 – 9 April 2019

Providence Blog: 2 – 9 April 2019

Welcome to our third week of the season on Providence Atoll.


Day 1 – We started this week with a transitional tide, between neaps and springs with an early morning low and a good mid-morning push. Randy opened his account with an absolute beast of a fish measuring 122cm. This fish was found sitting in a white hole on the edge of a flat, once the fish spotted his well presented baitfish imitation it exploded on the fly and tore off with tremendous speed and determination, pealing off loads of backing. Eventually after a long fight the fish lost its steam and was brought to hand, a special catch and incredible way to start the week! Randy continued to enjoy day 1 and added another 3 GTs to his tally before the days end. John managed to land his first ever GT on fly and later added another making day one memorable for him, well done John! Dave and Paul made the most of their first day on the flats by landing a couple GTs each. A great first day which really got us all excited to see what the rest of the week had in store.


Day 2 – We encountered good numbers of GTs on the flats today. James made his opportunities count and managed to hook and land his first ever GT on fly, well done James! Gregory enjoyed a cracking day and landed 4, whilst John managed to add to yesterday’s exploits and land another lively GT. Other than the consistently good numbers of GTs we’ve seen on the flats for the first 2 days we also have come across loads of Bumphead Parrotfish, however fishing to them has been tough due to the strong current pushing over the flats which is not ideal when targeting this species.


Day 3 – We experienced some warm water along the western side of the atoll which led to some considerably tough fishing conditions for our iconic species, nevertheless we still managed some good fish. The great species fishing made up for the tough conditions with great numbers of big groupers and snappers landed. We also managed to raise a couple Sailfish but unfortunately, we weren’t able to land any. The diversity of this atoll again highlights how incredible this fishery is, even relatively tough days on the flats can be turned into good a days by fishing for the lesser-known species that call Providence Atoll home.


Day 4 – We experienced great fishing on the eastern side of the atoll with Shamal, Randy and John managing to land 13 GTs between them. Steve also got into the action, by fooling a GT that was riding on the back of a lemon shark. It was however one particular session of fishing that stole the spotlight on day 4. While crossing back towards the mothership through the labyrinth of finger flats and lagoons a couple of GTs were spotted, Greg took the shot and hooked a monster GT! After a long tussle and couple nervy moments we managed to land a fin perfect GT measuring 121cm, certainly an unforgettable fish to end day 4!


Day 5 – Grey skies made for tough conditions from a sight fishing perspective, despite this we still managed to land a number of great fish. Paul landed a solid GT of 91cm whilst Greg broke the metre mark 2 days in a row with a GT of 101cm. Chris also managed to land his first GT over a metre measuring 102cm. The Triggerfishing experienced today was world class with Dave and Greg landing their first ever Triggers, both Moustache Triggerfish, well done guys. All in all, a great day considering the tough conditions we experienced.


Day 6 – We woke up to clear skies with everyone excited to make the most of the final day of the week. The GTs were seen in good numbers with a fair number of decent fish coming to hand. Brian managed to land 3, whilst another 16 were landed between John, Randy, Shamal, Chris, James and Paul – a great day out for everyone! The Triggerfish were seen in good numbers with a few hooked, however Chris was the only angler to convert his chances and landed an awesome Moustache Triggerfish, well done Chris. We were treated to some exceptional action on the species front today with over 50 Bluefin Trevally landed!

All in all, another great week for everyone on the flats considering the warm water we experienced. Our guests still managed to enjoy some spectacular fishing with a variety of species landed. Week 3 provided us with great humor and awesome fishing, we look forward to seeing you all out here again in the not so distant future.

Our fish tally for the week was as follows:

  • GTs – 74
  • Triggerfish – 3
  • Species – 264

The Providence FlyCastaway Guide Team

Farquhar Blog: 29 March – 5 April 2019

Farquhar Blog: 29 March – 5 April 2019

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFor the first time on Farquhar this season we experienced late afternoon showers with patchy light for most of the week. The tides this week started off with neaps and built up to new moon spring tides with the low tides early to mid-morning.




This week 19 GTs were landed, the largest measuring 97cm. It turned out to be a week of firsts with father and son team of Bill and David landing 2 fish each – David’s two fish were his first ever GTs landed on fly. Finnish angler Pentii also landed his first GT while the other father and son team of David and Alexander also caught their first GTs. Well done guys! Anglers Ryan and Mike from the UK landed 3 great GTs each whilst David from the US also managed to land 4 GTs. An encouraging sign this week was the impressive Bluefin Trevally fishing, several large fish were landed by Amaryllis, Pentii and Mike this week, well done guys.

Farquhar Atoll - Seychelles www.flycastaway.com info@flycastaway.com

Loads of Bumphead Parrotfish were seen this week with several that were hooked but unfortunately none were landed. 10 Triggers were hooked with 2 landed – one early in the week by angler Ryan and the second landed on the last day by angler Charlie.


DSCN0480On the species front we enjoyed excellent fishing with several Napoleon Wrasse, Bohar Snapper, Marbled Grouper and Camouflage Grouper landed. A special mention for Alexander who landed an 80cm Golden Trevally as well as a 75cm Bonefish, Well done Alexander!


All in all our guests experienced a very enjoyable week on the flats of Farquhar.

The Farquhar FlyCastaway guide team.

Providence Blog: 26 March – 2 April 2019

Providence Blog 26 March – 2 April 2019

Our second week of the March – April 2019 Providence season welcomed familiar faces from Aardvark Mcleod who were all excited to get to the flats and experience the wonders of Providence yet again.

ZAN_1560Day 1 – We began the week with an early morning neap high tide, with little water movement experienced the entire day we were able to spend large periods of time on the flats. The fish were seen in good numbers with some decent quality GTs coming to hand; David, who is a first-timer to the Seychelles, hooked 5 GTs but unfortunately lost all of them. Brummy, who has fished with us a few times before, really made the most of his opportunities and managed to land an amazing fish which measured 110cm, well done Brummy! Joern, Tim, Peter and Fred all managed to get one on the board for the day. All in all, a great start to the week and we look forward to what the rest of the week has in store.


Day 2 – The GTs showed up in good numbers with some great catches coming to hand. Joern managed to land yet another fish over a metre, measuring 102cm. Maria got into the action by fooling a GT that was spotted on the back of a stingray. Peter chipped in with an awesome Yellow Margin Triggerfish.



Day 3 – Strong winds and poor light made things a little challenging today but despite the tough conditions our guests made the most of their time on the flats. The Bonefishing proved to be phenomenal with the average size in the range of 6lbs, a special mention for a very special fish that was landed by Fred, a Bonefish of 28,5 inches and roughly 10lbs. A super special catch anywhere in the world, well done Fred! Good numbers of GTs were seen today and considering the less than perfect conditions, good numbers were landed.

ZAN_1779Day 4 – Today turned out to be a very special day for Maria as she finally managed to tick the Holy Grail off her list by landing a beautiful 13lb Indo-Pacific Permit. This fish was hooked from a school of roughly 10 fish as they tailed their way across the flats. One cast, a couple of strips and the rest is history. Well done Maria, a truly special fish!

IMG_4298Day 5 – We began day 5 with a slow pushing neap tide and great light. The GTs were everywhere, with fish seen on the turtle grass flats tailing next to stingrays. Peter managed to land yet another 100cm GT, while Jim managed to bag two special fish; one of 90cm and the other coming in at 105cm. All the guests experienced amazing fishing for the day and the sight of big fork tails are stuck in our mind as we reminisce on yet another amazing day of fishing. John also managed to land his first Bumphead Parrotfish which is a great achievement, well done sir. On the blue water front Tim managed to hook and land his first ever Sailfish on fly, great job Tim!


Day 6 – A slightly tougher fishing day today compared to the action that we’ve experienced over the previous couple of days. That said, a super special fish was landed. A monster 128cm GT landed by Jim, taken in the deep blue; the fish fought hard and took loads of line before eventually accepting defeat. Tim chipped in with his first Moustache Triggerfish that was hooked while happily tailing in skinny water.

Everyone had a great week and we would like to thank all the guests for making it another memorable one out on this amazing atoll. We look forward to fishing with you all again soon. Total count for the week was as follows:

  • GTs – 65
  • Bonefish – 18
  • Triggerfish – 2
  • Permit – 1
  • Sailfish – 1
  • Bumphead Parrotfish – 1
  • Species – 178

The Providence FlyCastaway guide team.


Farquhar Blog: 22 – 29 March 2019

Farquhar Blog: 22 – 29 March 2019

This week we welcomed a mixed group of anglers to Farquhar with Russia, Kazakhstan, Italy, England and Scotland represented.


From a weather perspective we enjoyed warm and sunny conditions with variable winds that blew for the most part from the east which later in the week switched to a west to north west wind. We started this week with full moon spring tides that progressed to neap tides later in the week.



With 8 guests we managed to land 16 GTs. A special mention for first time saltwater fly angler Talgat, for landing a brute GT of 102cm, well done Talgat. Angler Charles also landed a powerful 103cm GT whilst the father and son team of Andrey and Nikita managed to land five GTs between them, well done guys!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOur Bumpies were seen in good numbers this week and although we had loads of hookups we only managed to land two, John and Yerlan getting one a piece.

The diversity of this pristine atoll impressed yet again with loads of exciting reef species caught by everyone in the group. Alexander landed a beautiful Napoleon Wrasse of 73cm, whilst several hard fighting Bohar Snapper, Swallow-Tail Grouper, Bluefin Trevally and Jobfish added to the species tally.

Thanks to our guests for a fantastic week on the flats of Farquhar.

The Farquhar FlyCastaway guide team.


Providence Blog: 17 – 26 March 2019

Providence Blog: 17 – 26 March 2019


Welcome to our opening trip report for the March – April 2019 Providence Atoll season. This particular trip being of the extended sort including 8 fishing days enjoyed by a closed group of friends. The weather for the most part was extremely warm and sunny, with almost no wind to speak of. We experienced neap tides to start with which progressed to spring tides with larger tidal ranges during the middle of period of the trip. This allowed us to access different areas of the atoll and provide our guests with a variety of fishing scenarios.

IMG_2002Day 1 – The GTs were around in good numbers today with Kelly breaking the ice and landing our first of the season. Ivan, Scott and Kelvin also managed to land their first for the trip, Kelvin’s fish a very special one in that it was his first ever GT on fly. Kyle started his trip off with a bang landing 2 for the day, whilst Ryan had a superb day landing 3 fish. On the species front Scott landed a beautiful Yellow Margin Triggerfish but it was the late afternoon Milkfishing that stole the show. We found large shoals feeding just beneath the surface and not far from the Dugong’s anchorage. Ivan, Ryan and Kelly all capitalized on the action, each of them landing their first ever Milkfish. Well done guys! A great first day of the season and exciting signs for the remaining days of week 1 on Providence Atoll.

IMG_1977Day 2 – We started our day on the flats with a couple hours of a small neap dropping tide, followed later by a slow rising tide at midday. The GTs greeted us in decent numbers with Mike and Dick both landing their first for the trip. Kyle, Kelly, Ryan and Kelvin all landed good quality fish but it was Ivan and Scott who stole the show with two fish each. Well done guys. We experienced some great Bonefishing today with Kelvin’s 22-inch fish the nicest of the bunch. Good numbers of Triggerfish and Bumphead Parrotfish were encountered during periods of the day. However it was the late afternoon Milkfishing that once again grabbed our attention. Multiple hook ups were experienced, sadly however Ryan’s second fish for the week was the only one that made it to the net. The group is clearly having a blast and we are looking forward to what the rest of the week has in store.

IMG_8609Day 3
– We began the day with a good dropping tide in the morning and a solid push in the afternoon. As expected, the GTs continued to present us with great opportunities. Kelly landed a bunch whilst Mike enjoyed a stellar day by getting three to hand. A couple larger fish were encountered today, Scott’s beautiful 99cm fish and Ryan’s 113cm brute rounding off yet another very successful day. The Milkfish continued to provide some really exciting fishing, however we were unable to land the numerous fish that were hooked.

IMG_4642Day 4 – The GT fishing impressed again, providing our guests with numerous opportunities as well as a couple shots at some real giants. The highlights today included Ivan’s 104cm trophy and Kyle’s absolute monster which stretched the tape to 115cm. Congratulations Kyle, certainly a fish of a lifetime! The Milkfish continued to provide exciting late afternoon sessions, Dick showed great composure and landed his 1st ever Milkfish on fly after losing a couple earlier in the week. Congrats Dick!


Day 5 – The GTs continued to steal the spotlight and as expected there were no complaints from our anglers. Mike landed three but it was Kyle’s seven fish day that really stole the show. Well done sir! So far we have been treated to every kind of GT fishing with good numbers of fish seen on stingrays, fish caught while pushing bow wakes on the turtle grass flats and others picked up in the surf. Super exciting signs for the coming days!

IMG_2065Day 6 – No changes here and some great fish coming to hand during our 6th day out. A huge congrats to Kelly on an unforgettable fish which measured 109cm and to Kelvin who celebrated his birthday by landing an awesome 104cm fish. Another great day out on the wild flats of Providence Atoll.

Day 7 – We crossed paths with some enormous fish on the flats today, with multiple sightings of fish in the range of 100 – 130cm. The boat was a buzz with stories shared on the back deck over a few cocktails in the early evening. Big fish don’t come easy though and so most incidents included some misfortune or stage fright at the wrong time. Although we weren’t able to get any of these massive fish to hand our guests still managed to put a few on the board before the days end. Last but not least, our friend Ivan landed his first ever Milkfish on fly. Congrats Ivan!

Day 8 – For the first time this week we experienced heavy cloud cover which resulted in bad light and thus made spotting the fish a whole lot more difficult.

All in all, it was a fantastic week. Sure, the GT fishing took up much of our time and rightly so. The huge diversity of species the atoll has to offer is certainly worth mention – Napoleon Wrasse, Bohar Snappers, Groupers, Bluefin Trevally, Sailfish, Dogtooth Tuna, Permit, Triggers, Bones and Bumpies all made appearances. The catch stats below will keep all who fish Providence coming back for more:

  • GTs – 101 (5 over 100cm)
  • Milkfish – 6
  • Triggerfish – 1
  • Bonefish- 9
  • Species – 151

Lastly, thank you to our group for another fantastic week of fishing. We’re already looking forward to our next adventure together in the coming seasons.

The FlyCastaway Providence Guide Team


Farquhar Blog: 15 – 22 March 2019

Farquhar Blog: 15 – 22 March 2019

This week we enjoyed sunny skies, hot days and little variation in the wind speed. Our week started with neap tides that built up to full moon spring tides as the week neared its end.

Farquhar Atoll - Seychelles www.flycastaway.com info@flycastaway.com

The consistently good GT fishing continued with 28 GTs landed by anglers from 7 different countries. The largest measuring 118cm and was landed by first time saltwater angler Alessandro from Italy. A truly special moment and a catch of a lifetime, well done Alessandro. Another special mention for Czech angler Jaromir for landing 8 GTs and to angler Pierre from South Africa who landed 7 GTs for the week. Well done guys!

DSC_4060We enjoyed good Tiggerfishing this week with 3 coming to hand. 1 each for Sandro , Jaromir and David. Our Bumpie fishing provided us with numerous opportunities and hookups. Despite the constant action we only managed to get 2 to hand, A 58cm fish for Nadim and a monster 105cm fish for Steve.



This week also featured great action for species. Paolo landed his first Indo Pacific Permit on fly, Congrats Paolo. Eduardo landed a large Batfish. While other special catches were enjoyed by the group such as Golden Trevally, a very large African Marbled Grouper of almost a meter, several Napoleon Wrasse, Yellow Lipped Emperor, and Picasso Triggerfish were all landed throughout the duration of the week.

Another successful fishing week enjoyed on the flats of Farquhar.

Farquhar Blog: 8 – 15 March 2019

Farquhar Blog: 8 – 15 March 2019

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOur second week of the March – May 2019 season treated us to great weather, with very little wind and clear skies being the norm for the majority of the week. We started the week with spring tides and midday lows. As the week progressed we experienced neap tides with late afternoon lows thus giving our guests a great mix of flats fishing opportunities.



The GT fishing this week was exceptional with 47 fish hooked, 36 of these being converted and  coming to hand! Anglers Joe, Andrew, Kevin and Lurii all landed trophy GTs measuring a meter or longer, largest of the week stretching the measuring tape to an impressive 118cm.

A special mention for anglers Steve and Kevin for completing slams this week. Both anglers managed to land GTs, Bonefish, and Triggerfish all in the same day. Well done guys!

IMG_0722The outstanding fishing continued with 20 Triggerfish hooked, sadly only 6 coming to hand but still some truly exciting skinny water fishing. Of the 11 Bumpies hooked our first of the season was landed by Olafur, well done Oli!

Our Bonefishing was a little slower from a numbers perspective this week, however several quality Bonefish were landed. Andrew who enjoyed an incredible run of form on the flats of Farquhar landed an exceptionally large Bonefish, well done Andrew.

IMG_8703The Species fishing was good with our first Yellowfin Tuna of the season landed by angler Matt. A couple of Dogtooth Tuna and Jobfish added to the bluewater tally. The numerous Grouper species caught throughout the duration of the week such as Bohar Snapper, African Marbled Grouper and
Camouflage Grouper contributed to a fantastic Farquhar experience for our guests this week.

Thanks to our guests for a super special week on the exciting flats of Farquhar.

The Farquhar Guide Team

Farquhar Blog: 1 – 8 March 2019

Farquhar Blog: 1 – 8 March 2019

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis week we enjoyed generally calm conditions throughout the week, with blue bird skies and very little wind. Visibility was good and the days heated up quickly. On the last day of fishing we did however experience a morning squall but it passed by 9:30am and it was back to fishing as usual shortly after. Early on during the week we had neap tides with early morning lows, whilst towards the end of the week we experienced midday lows as we moved into spring tides.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA14 GTs were landed this week out of the 36 fish we hooked. Angler Brian landed the largest fish with a specimen of 92cm, he also landed the most with a tally of 4 to his name. Brothers Wes and George landed their first GTs, whilst Mike completed a Slam with a GT, a Trigger and a Bonefish all successfully landed in the same day.

DSCF0041The Bonefish fishing this week was great with all anglers landing multiple Bones. Large schools of fish were seen cruising the flats with one school of up to 2000 fish seen! Anglers Brian, Gary, Geoffrey, Joe and George all landed Bonefish over 60cm with the largest measuring just under 70cm.


DSC04322Our species fishing was great! 3 Triggerfish were brought to hand this week out of the 12 we hooked, and despite us hooking 5 Bumpies sadly none were landed. Anthony landed a Napoleon Wrasse whilst Alex landed a very special Farquhar Permit. Congratulations! 4 Dogtooth tuna were landed (the biggest 20kg), several Rainbow Runners as well as Grouper up to 81cm. Out of the ordinary Jonathan also managed to land a 9 foot Nurse Shark after it ate his grouper!

All in all a really enjoyable week and solid start to the season. It’s clear there are some really good fish present and we are excited for the season ahead.

The Farquhar Guide team