St Brandon Blog: 22 – 28 May 2019
St Brandon Blog: 22 – 28 May 2019
The final week of the April – May 2019 season on St Brandons brought with it a sense of expectation as we were all keen to make the most of the final days we had left on the atoll. Needless to say, this was certainly one action-packed week!
Our guests were treated to phenomenal Bonefishing during the week with loads of larger fish landed. Some days the average size of the fish landed was as big as 6.5lbs. Many fish in the 7-8lbs range were caught with Tristan landing 2 large 8lbers this week. Terry, who was completing his third back-to-back week with us landed a solid 9.5lb Bone. Charles also landed a 9.5lb Bone but he landed an even larger fish when he hooked and landed a 10.5lb fish on the first morning of the week! An absolute monster of a fish and a fine way to end the season on the Bonefishing front.
The Permit fishing this week was once again out of this world with our guests enjoying multiple shots at these prized fish and by the end of the week, we had landed 5 in total. Charles kept his great streak going by landing his first ever Indo-Pacific Permit on the first afternoon, while taking an early evening stroll around Raphael Island with his son Tristan. The fish weighed in at 7lbs and was surely a great moment for the father and son fishing duo to share together. Jarod and Justin who were both fortunate enough to join us this week for a bit of fishing and training on St Brandon managed to enjoy some world class fishing with each of them landing an Indo-Pacific Permit. Jarod’s beautiful 6lb fish was caught late in the afternoon with a deadly accurate cast, the fish moved all of 50cm and tailed on his crab imitation. Justin’s 7lb fish was caught earlier in the week while it tailed along a sandbar. Arguably the most special Permit this week was landed by Tristan, not only was this 10lber his first ever Indo-Pacific Permit caught on fly but it also formed part of what would be and Indian Ocean Grand Slam! He had landed a GT and a Bonefish earlier that day, Well done Tristan!
We experienced excellent Trevally fishing on the last week of the season which is no surprise as we have encountered big numbers of Golden, Bluefin and Giant Trevally around the atoll this season. We were able to hook a couple Goldens this week with the standout fish caught by Jarod, who landed a strong 10lb Golden on the first morning of the trip. The Bluefin Trevally fishing picked up this week too with shots at many larger specimens. Charles landed a solid 72cm fish while Jarod kept his good fortune going and landed a 77cm Bluefin that was found while it was riding the back of 2 large Nurse sharks along with a bunch of other Bluefin and GTs.
Our GT fishing this week turned out to be fantastic with just about everyone in the group getting quality shots at these apex predators. 4 were landed in total for the week, 2 by Tristan with the aforementioned 90cm fish that led to his Grand Slam and a few days later he landed an even larger fish of 92cm; to land 2 GTs on St Brandons and pull off a Grand Slam is no mean feat! Well done Triston. Justin also got stuck into the atoll’s large GTs and managed to land 2 large fish in as many days. First, he landed a 110cm fish that was giving a school of Bones a seriously hard time and the next day he went one better and landed a 111cm fish that was caught while it was holding in the current just below a coral ridge.
Another fantastic season has come to an end on the wild flats of St Brandon. The atoll really did leave the best for last this season which left us all excited for what the coming September – November 2019 season has in store for us.
Until next time,
The FlyCastaway St Brandons Guide Team
Tags: Bluefin Trevally, Bonefish, Costa Del Mar, Flats Fishing, Fly Fishing, FlyCastaway, G.Loomis Fly Rods, Giant Trevally, Patagonia Apparel, Permit, Sight Fishing, St Brandon, Triggerfish, Wade Fly Reels, Wild Coolers