St Brandon Blog: 9 – 19 April 2024

We started our second week of the season with the weather being slightly on the warmer side, hoping for a big southeastern wind to come through the atoll and cool the water down. This week we fished the spring tides as they started moving into neap tides, meaning we could expect a bit more skinny water fishing on the flats during the long low tides in the late mornings and early afternoons. 

The bone fishing was off to a good start, with us seeing more fish on the flats than the previous week. The guests were able to target more fish in single and double feeding scenarios and it was clear that there were some big ones out and about feeding happily in the skinny water. There were multiple fish landed during the week in the 7-8lb range as the tally of fish landed reached the triple digit mark. Guests Mark and Peter started off their week with a bang, both hooking into beautiful 10lb and 10.5lb bonefish respectively. What a way to start your second week on the Atoll! A double digit bone is not something you see everyday so for our anglers to double up on these prize fish is truly something special. It once again shows just what a phenomenal Bonefish fishery St Brandon’s is! 

The permit fishing remained consistent into the second week as there were many fish spotted feeding and tailing around the many rocky ridges and islands scattered across the atoll. Even more Permit were seen on the flats and the guests enjoyed multiple opportunities at these fickle yet rewarding fish. Andrew opened his permit account with a solid 6lb fish. Peter, carrying on where he left off in the previous week, connected with a beautiful 11lb Indo-Pacific Permit on the first day, and with his last cast of day 3 he landed yet another double digit fish which weighed in at 10lb.  

The trevally fishing was on the tougher side this week. There were a couple of solid Bluefin seen smashing into schools of bait in the southern side of the atoll, but unfortunately the shots proved to be tricky, meaning few were converted. The rush for the Giant Trevally still keeps us up at night as we once again saw some very large fish cruising the flats and lagoons, so it is just a matter of time before an angler connects with one of these brutes!

We end the week feeling positive and are looking forward to the rest of the season as the wind from the south east picks up, cooling the water down and keeping the fish happy. It was very positive to see good numbers of large Bonefish on the flats this week, setting the tone for the rest of the season. 

Our catch tally for the week: 

  • Bonefish- 100 (2 of 10 lb+)
  • Indo-Pacific Permit-  3 (2 of 10 lb+)
  • Bluefin- 3

Yours in fishing,

The St Brandon’s guide team.

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