Providence Blog: 18-25 Oct 2016
We welcomed to Providence a group of seven friends from the UK, along with three from South Africa, all of whom have fished with us multiple times in the past. This would be their first taste of Providence however and we were pumped to show them that all the stories about a wild fishery home to an incredible array of species, were in fact true.
As fate would have it, the weather during the week would see us experience strong winds and isolated squalls, which made for tough sight fishing conditions. Despite the infrequent light we still racked up an impressive number of fish and fish species, the only species that didn’t really feature on the week being the Milkfish and Bumpies, no doubt due to the weather conditions.
The trip however saw our guests enjoying some of the finest Triggerfish fishing you are likely to encounter anywhere in the world. Both Yellow Margins and Moustache Triggers were frequently seen tailing the edges of the finger flats, surf or reef edges. Hugely challenging due to the accuracy required, they provided hours of challenging but rewarding fishing. Hooks were bent, tippets bitten off but in the end 12 gorgeously marked fish came to hand. Day 5 in particular proved to be a red-letter day for guide Matt Cosson and his guests Gerry, Yves and Alex. Each of the anglers landed a Triggerfish, Bonefish and GT in the session to seal their “Providence Slam”….an outstanding achievement .
Providence’s Bonefish were up on the flats and feeding, the overcast conditions and cooler water, providing ideal cover and water temperatures. Bigger on average then any other Bonefish in the Seychelles we have encountered our guests landed multiple fish in the 6-8lb range. These along with countless grouper, snapper and Bluefin Trevally showcasing the impressive variety of species Providence has to offer
The GT fishing over the first few days on the flats proved quite challenging, groups scratching a couple of the notorious predators here and there. That changed however towards the end of the trip as more and more fish presented themselves and provided some exciting action to close our week off. Andrew and Neil enjoyed a great Double hook up on the final day, Andrew’s fish measuring 101cm. The biggest GT offshore was an impressive fish of 115cm caught by Paul Bullen. Congrats Paul…a great fish! In total we landed 71 GT’s on and off the flats. By no means fireworks by Providence standards, but a number not to be sneezed at that’s for sure.
One of the highlights of this week was a rather special and unique catch, which all of us will be enjoying for the next week or two. Looking for some dinner towards the end of the day we got attached to an enormous Yellowfin Tuna. The fish’s incredible strength and speed delivered up a 2-hour battle on spinning gear before finally it came aboard. Nose to tail it measured 163cm, with the girth of the fish 114.5cm. These measurements suggest the impressive fish would weigh in the region of 110kg….almost unheard of in the Seychelles. Another offshore highlight included Duncan’s first Sailfish on fly, a fish he has dreamed of catching during his past two Seychelles trips with us whilst on Farquhar. Congrats Duncan!
Sadly the week had come and gone in the blink of an eye. In saying that, we had walked, fished, got wet and laughed together on one of the most remote and productive fisheries on the planet….could there be a better way to spend 6 days? We cannot wait until the next time!
Until Then
The Providence Guide Team
Tags: Bonefish, Bumphead Parrotfish, Fly Fishing, FlyCastaway, Giant Trevally, Milkfish, Permit, Seychelles, Sight Fishing, Triggerfish