Providence Blog: 13 – 20 Nov 2018
Providence Blog: 13 – 20 Nov 2018
Day 1 – We started the week on neap tides which are ideal for tailing fish, less water movement allowing the fish to spend more time on the flats feeding and feeling relaxed. The team of Vladimir, Grigori and Sergei P all of whom had fished in the Seychelles on several occasions before had come to Providence Atoll specifically to target Bumphead Parrotfish. The trio of anglers didn’t waste anytime in their quest with each of them landing a Bumphead Parrotfish on the opening day. The GTs were around in good numbers, John R enjoying his first experience in the Seychelles managed to land an amazing fish, breaking the meter mark and measuring 107cm. This GT was taken from a school of around 50 fish who were busy harassing the numerous baitfish in the area. Once hooked it tore away with incredible speed and gave his gear a seriously thorough testing. Bevan who waited all of 15 minutes into his first morning managed to hook and land his first ever GT on fly, a great way to start the week for him. The Bonefish were on the flats doing their thing in good numbers, which provided some of our guests with amazing skinny water Bonefishing. Tony who was another new face to the Seychelles was able to land a special Yellow Margin Triggerfish, not to be out done by this Mike managed to get a beautiful Moustache Triggerfish to hand, ending day one with a bang!
Day 2 – With the tides allowing us to access the flats for just about the entire day it kept those interested in chasing the Bumpies very busy. Vadim and Sergei G who were also focusing their efforts on the Bumpies this week both managed to hook a few. Sergei G managed to tick the right boxes and land his first ever Bumpy on the fly. Sergei P managed to fool a fin perfect Yellow Margin triggerfish with a well-presented cast. The GT fishing was slower than normal however we were still able to get a few to hand, John F’s GT of 92cm was the highlight from that front. The Sailfish were also around in good numbers but unfortunately we weren’t able to get any to hand.
Day 3 – As the week continued those in the group who were most interested in chasing Bumpies and Triggers took full advantage of the conditions as these two species were still around in great numbers. Sergey and Grigori made the most of the favorable conditions and were able to land a couple Bumpies for the day. Vadim after hooking and losing a fair number of Bumpies was able to live his dream by eventually landing a magnificent fish that pulled the measuring tape past the meter mark, Well done! The GT fishing was a little slow on this day with limited opportunities presented to those of the group who were looking for them.
Day 4 – Grigori who was enjoying a great week managed to get another two Bumpies to the net whilst Sergei hooked and landed his third Bumpie for the week, great job gentlemen. Vadim was also able to get an awesome Yellow Margin Triggerfish, which are always a satisfying catch. The Sailfish are still around in good numbers; both John R and Keith landed a sailfish each. John F was able to land two GTs for the day, which was good going considering that these fish had been a little difficult to come by this week.
Day 5 – Sergei P started the day with a Yellow Margin Triggerfish, whilst Vladimir hooked and landed two very special fish, the first being a monster Bumpie measuring 117cm and his second measuring 115cm. Sergei P also managed to land another who of these iconic fish. Vadim had an unbelievable day landing a Bonefish, a Yellow Margin Triggerfish, a GT and finally topped it off with a Bumpy completing a super slam, which is an incredible feat by any standards! On the GT front Keith and John R managed to get a GT a piece and Mike chipping in with two for the day. The Sailfish showed up for John R who stuck his second for the week.
Day 6 – With the week coming to an end our guests were keen to make the most of their final day on the flats. The Milkfish were around in good numbers during the morning period, Vadim made the most of his opportunity and managed to get one of these powerful fish to the net. The Triggerfish were seen on a number of occasions which eventually led to both Sergei G & Keith landing Yellow margin Triggerfish each on the last day. Whilst the GT fishing was challenging, we suspect the presence of easy food offshore might be the reason that the GTs were not around in their usual numbers, despite this we managed to land a huge number of Bumpies and a couple other exceptional fish. We look forward to the coming weeks on Providence Atoll. Our fish tally for the week was:
- GTs – 14
- Bumpies – 19
- Triggers – 9
- Milksfish – 1
- Bones – 34
- Species – 142
Until next week
The Prov Guide Team
Tags: Bonefish, Bumphead Parrotfish, Costa Del Mar, Flats Fishing, Fly Fishing, FlyCastaway, G.Loomis Fly Rods, Giant Trevally, Milkfish, Napoleon Wrasse, Permit, Seychelles, Triggerfish, Wade Fly Reels, Wild Coolers