Providence Blog: 10-19 March 2018

Providence Blog: 10 – 19 March 2018

IMG_3996Despite some really tough weather conditions during first trip of 2018, our guests still enjoyed some incredible fishing for many of the notorious species Providence. A large majority of our guests landed their first ever GT’s on the flat, the guys who have caught them before adding to their tallies. Of special mention were David’s 102cm, Bowen’s 101cm, Gerhard’s 102cm, Tony’s 104cm, Terry’s 100cm & 101cm fish all adding to the 75 fish landed during the week. It was Jim however who in particular showed some great angling skills and was rewarded with four fish over a meter during his time on the atoll, his fish measuring 102cm, 104cm, 105cm & 108cm. Great fishing!

20180315-7R301605-2On the species front, Mike and Terry landed two Triggers each during a morning session, whilst Jim landed his first ever Yellow-margin Triggerfish. Gerhard and Mike landed added to our Trigger tally, landing two and three respectively before the end of the trip. On the bumpy front, Jim landed a good one, but it was Bowen who made the biggest impact with our large green friends, landing three during his time on the flats.

7R301076We also enjoyed an incredible day of had an incredible day of Bonefishing, landing good numbers of fish, Chase landing our largest of 9lbs. So despite some really tricky sight fishing conditions we still enjoyed some great fishing, the below numbers registered on our catch cards:

  • GT’s – 75
  • Bones – 48
  • Triggers – 7
  • Bumpies -7
  • Total other species -186

Until next week
The Providence Guide Team

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