Farquhar Blog: 31 Mar – 7 April 2014
The 6th week of our season included some great guys from South Africa, Germany and the US, all ready for a taste of what Farquhar’s flats have to offer. Wayne, Jeff and Dean (regular visitors to Farquhar) were in the group and so the evening before our first day out, all us wondered what tricks or special flies they would have up their sleeves this time round. The first day on the flats was a solid one as the guys found their feet. Bill and Rich were the first to strike, each getting a Bumphead Parrotfish and Rich landing a good Napoleon Wrasse. Wayne true to form opened our GT account and amongst some Bones and other odds and sods we were up and running.
After a great first day the boys had high hopes. Jeff had his work cut out and landed a solid bumpy. Pat and Tom together with guide Brad landed a gorgeous Golden and a GT each. This was Tom’s first GT ever on the flats so he was super stoked. Pat has fished for and landed more than his fair share of GT’s and he showed his experience by landing a fin perfect fish of 111cm. Well done guys!!! Joern from Germany was on his final leg of three week trip in the Seychelles and so when his GT opportunity presented itself he stuck it good and proper.
The third day out and the fishing kept true to form. It was also Jeff’s birthday and his present came in the form of nice Yellow Margin Triggerfish that he and Head Guide James had bumped into. Bill subsequently landed his first GT for the trip, with Pat continuing on his merry way with a nice Bumpy.
Day 4 and the Bones were tailing hard. An epic bonefish session followed, added to which Pat was adding to his species list by stick a Brush Fly right into the scissors of nice sized Barracuda and then topped it off with another nice GT. Rich and Wayne added to our GT count for the week by each getting one numbers and landed a GT each. Joern then capped off the day with our third Napoleon Wrasse for the week.
Day 5 and our friends the Bumpies were around in good numbers. After some solid casting and near misses throughout the week Bill and Tom managed to grab hold of their first ever Bumpies which were quickly photographed and released. Wayne was busy taming the GT’s and subsequently landed his 3rd GT for the trip.
The last day turned out to be a good one. Kyle guided Bill and Rich onto GTs first thing in the morning. Gary and Art then got into some species with a fish filled “bommie bashing” session during which Gary landed our 4th Napoleon for the week. The Bones too were around and there were some good ones to keep the guys focused. Pat landed a cracking 9lb fish, whilst Wayne seemed drawn to the GT’s and showed some classy angling by landing two more GT’s, one of which he tussled on the 9wt.
The end of a really enjoyable and species filled week on Farquhar with 13 GT’s landed (biggest being Pat’s 111cm) a Yellow Margin Trigger, 4 Napoleons, 6 Bumpies, a Barracuda, some good tailing Bonefish as well as a Golden Trevally. A big thanks to all the guests. A great time was had by all the guides both on and off the flats. We sure hope to see you all on the water again in the near future.
Brad and the Farquhar guide team