Farquhar Blog: 24 – 31 Mar 2014

Kyle Reed, Farquhar 24-31 March 2014 (4)Week five of our season is upon us. With a group from Aardvark McLeod, plus Rob and Dennis staying for their second week we anxiously awaited to see what the fishing gods with throw our way this week. The first two days however were super tough as we were cursed by bad weather and a constantly change wing direction. Rod and Dennis were really the only ones who made any impact as they were fishing offshore,

Kyle Reed, Farquhar 24-31 March 2014 (12)Day three and looking over the horizon it seemed to be a repeat of the first two days. Thankfully however we were wrong and things improved a little! First timers to salt water, father and son Paul and Richard were eager to get stuck into some Bones, which we subsequently did. Peter Gibson later landed our first GT for the week. It was by no means fire works but it was a start.

Bradley Hyman, Farquhar 24-31 March (5)Day four and the weather had definitely settled with a perfect sky and stable wind……the guides were optimistic things were about to happen. To start us off Tom and Peter got stuck into some good tailing Bones as well as a shot at a good-sized Permit. Peter Solovyov then showed some classy angling by landing his first Triggerfish on the flats. Another group then had a good tailing Bonefish session on one of our favorite Turtlegrass flats. There are some really good sized Bones on Farquhar at present and we managed to land one which weighed 9lbs. Mark and Paul stuck to their guns and with some momentum on our side, put their 12wt outfits to the test by landing a Farquhar GT each. Meanwhile Rob and Dennis offshore had an eventful day by landing 4 GT’s, the biggest measuring 112cm.

Bradley Hyman, Farquhar 24-31 March (6)Day five turned out to be a good one too. Peter Solovyov and Vadim each landed a Triggerfish and Vadim grabbed a highly coveted Farquhar Slam by landing a GT of 97cm, a nice Trigger and to cap it off his Bonefish. Well done Vadim! Tom was next to follow and got himself a GT, a Trigger as well as a Bone for the second Farquhar Slam of the day……EPIC! But we were not done just yet as Mark put his fly down perfectly in front of a nice GT which subsequently charged and ate, whilst Peter Opperman had another classic GT eat later landing his first Farquhar GT.

Vadim Titovets, Farquhar 24-31 March (10)The last day was going to be for that fish species that had eluded the guests to date. Vadim had a severe case of ‘Bumpy Fever’ and after losing a few the day before again, we did our best to make it happen. Sadly however it was not meant to be as the large paddle shape tails eventually disappeared off the flat. Peter Solovyov had a mind-altering day of Triggerfishing, one which we are sure he won’t forget in a hurry. After stalking and hooking 12 during the course of the day, we thankfully landed 2 of the little blighters. After hooking his 4th fish I heard him shout out “Peter the trigger killer”. Rod and Dennis ended their trip on a high and landed 12 GT’s offshore, the biggest measuring an impressive 134cm.

Kyle Reed, Farquhar 24-31 March 2014 (14)The end of the week had sadly arrived just as the fishing had peaked. If only the group could have had one more day!  After a very slow start, we managed to land 6 GT’s on the flat, 7 Triggerfish, plenty of epic shallow water Bonefish and a bucket load of Grouper, Snapper and Bluefin Trevally. It just shows that with stable weather, some nice cool blue water and some more than capable anglers Farquhar does provide some truly special fishing. Thanks to all for hanging in there with the weather, it was really a pleasure guiding you all. Well-done on all your fish……we hope to see you out on the water again soon.

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