Farquhar Blog: 15 – 22 Nov 2017
Farquhar Blog: 15 – 22 Nov 2017
Our first day of a new week and we were greeted with tough conditions. Squalls throughout the day meant any break in the weather needed to be utilized. There were however a number of GTs around and a good few charged and ate the fly, with some epic eats and tussles. Sadly none ended in our guests favor with some leaders parting snapped and a fly line or two being corralled causing some heartbreak as a few trophy specimens were hooked and lost. We did however enjoy some great Bonefishing, with numerous double-ups as well a couple of 8lb fish coming to hand.
Despite more rain early on during the morning, the sky cleared as day two turned out to be a beautiful day with a moderate easterly wind providing hot and humid conditions. After a few lost battles with Geets the previous day our guests were determined to convert their opportunities and that they did. Mike got the job done with his first GT of the week, an 80cm fish. This fish was landed during a walk along the surf when two fish came screaming in on a wave. Congrats Mike! Congratulations to Leanne who also got into a GT of 79cm, her first on Farqhuar! This fish was spotted on the back of a stingray moving across some turtlegrass. Leanne made a cast just off the ray and after a few quick strips the GT peeled off the ray and engulfed the fly. The Bonefishing delivered some great action once again with good numbers of fish being landed by our guests.
A midday low on the third day meant that we got to fish the full dropping and pushing tides. The GTs were around in good numbers and today was Jed’s turn to get stuck into the action when he landed a 80cm fish after a large bait ball had been spotted just off the flat. Jed made the cast, stripped the fly and the fish finally committed to the fly. Peter then landed his first GT of the week, a 79cm fish. He was fishing to a Trigger when the GT appeared behind it, quickly switching to his 12wt he made a short cast and two strips later the predator accelerated and smashed the fly. Peter later landed his personal best Bonefish of 69cm, well done Peter! The Triggers were around today tailing hard but we received stubborn refusals. There were a few Bumpies over the turtle grass and in the surf but none were landed…yet!
Our 4th day out and the GTs were around in solid numbers and some good size fish coming to hand. Chris managed to land a solid 94cm fish after an unlucky week to date. The GT was a single fish cruising alone, Chris made a long cast and a few strips later the GT accelerated and smashed the fly! The fish headed for the lagoon and had to be chased by the boat, but after a lengthy fight his prize was landed. Another GT for Jed today and after loosing a fish in the morning it all came together for him in the afternoon. The Geets started popping up from the lagoon onto the turtle grass, smashing bait that had accumulated during the low. This fish was another lone rider and didn’t hesitate to eat the fly after a short cast and a few strips. Mike managed a spectacularly beautiful Napoleon Wrasse and after an epic battle he landed a solid 82cm specimen. There were really high numbers of Triggers seen on the atoll today and the Bones still being landed in high numbers with a few big ones in-between. There were a couple of nice size Bluefins also landed and the species account keeps growing!
With our 5th morning providing overcast conditions, the water temp remained cool and the pushing tide brought with it the desired results. After having numerous shots at Geets this week Paul was determined to get one to hand and today he made it happen with two solid specimens. Congrats Paul! His good friend Jed also landed a first today, a Napoleon Wrasse of 65cm. The fish was spotted and Jed made the cast but a Bohar Snapper ate the fly. The Napoleon chased the Bohar but we managed to drag it away and land the pesky thief. The Napoleon was thankfully still in the area and so Jed made the cast and BANG! Peter landed one of Farquhar’s most difficult species today with our first Permit for the week. The 40cm fish was spotted whilst tailing across a narrow flat. Peter made a cast a few meters in front of the fish, let the fly sink and when the fish came within range a few short strips got the permits attention and the fish crushed the fly. Textbook angling! The Bones continue to produce exceptional fishing, with some really good Bones coming to hand. Michael landed a solid 72cm fish. Great fish Mike! Mike made the cast on the line the fish was on and a few long slow strips and the Bone engulfed the fly. Other notables included a 75cm Camo Grouper landed by Jason.
The final day and our guests were eager to end the trip on a high. After a few tussles and missed opportunities Michael was determined to get his hands on a Geet before he left us. He got it done in fine form with a solid 80cm fish after the shape was spotted coming onto white sandy flat. He made the cast and a few big strips and the fish exploded on the fly. GT fishing at it’s best. There were solid amounts of Geets all over the atoll today; sadly the fish won more of the battles than us. Jason experienced the power of one that ended in a broken 12wt. Jed did however manage to land a Napoleon Wrasse of 76cm, whilst the Bonefish continued to bring about bent rods, screaming reels and loads of smiles! These fish on top of a range of species which included a handful of 15lb plus Grouper and Bohar’s topped off a fantastic week, with a great range of diversity and some special moments out on the water.
We would like to thank all our guests for joining us on the atoll and hope to see them back sooner rather than later!
Until next time
The Farquhar Guide Team
Tags: Bluefin Trevally, Bonefish, Bumphead Parrotfish, Costa Del Mar, Flats Fishing, Fly Fishing, FlyCastaway, G.Loomis Fly Rods, Giant Trevally, Milkfish, Permit, Seychelles, Sight Fishing, Triggerfish, Wade Fly Reels, Wild Coolers